[MassHistPres] Collections Management Software

Cynthia Swank cgswank at gmail.com
Fri Feb 27 16:25:48 EST 2015

The Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN) has put out a list of
questions that organizations should consider in determining what they need
the software to do. It's quite daunting but may be useful in figuring out
what you really want to accomplish.

Here's the link


As someone has already suggested, a spreadsheet or database, perhaps
designed by your municipality's IT department,  may be sufficient.

PastPerfect is used by many.  It is due to release PP 6 in the Fall  (the
existing versions are based on Visual Foxpro which Microsoft no longer
supports).  Here's PP's statement --

Cynthia Swank

19 Hobbs Road
North Hampton, NH 03862

<info at inlookgroup.com>
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