[MassHistPres] scenic roads

Virginia Adams vahistorian at comcast.net
Sat Jun 27 13:37:32 EDT 2015

The Town of Reading adopted Scenic Road legislation some time ago but has only designated a limited number and only a few hearings have taken place.  I've pasted the bylaw wording for an example, but the regulations hold the "meat" of the bylaw which can be provided if requested.  
Good luck,
Virginia Adams

8.2 Scenic Roads
8.2.1 Designation
Upon recommendation of the CommunityPlanning and Development Commission,
Conservation Commission or Historical Commission, Town Meeting may vote to designate any road, other than a numbered route or state highway, as a scenic road.
8.2.2 Limitations on Work on a Public Way 
After a road has been designated as a scenic road, any repair, maintenance, reconstruction or paving work done with respect thereto shall not involve or include the cutting or removal of trees or the tearing down or destruction of stone walls or portions thereof, except with the prior
written consent of the Community Planning and Development Commission after a public hearing duly advertised twice in a newspaper of general circulation in the area as to time, date, place and purpose, the last publication to occur at least seven (7) days prior to such hearing.
8.2.3 Regulations
The Community Planning and Development Commission shall establish and adopt
regulations for exercising its responsibilities under this bylaw, taking into consideration sound planning principles and preservation of aesthetic and natural resources of the Town. 

On Jun 27, 2015, at 9:36 AM, Marcia Starkey wrote:

> Hello,
> Greenfield is interested in the local adoption of the Scenic Roads legislation as it relates to preservation of trees and other infrastructure. Has any city or town adopted it for local roads with features for review and/or preservation?
> Thank you,
> Marcia Starkey
> Former Historical Comm. member/chair    
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