No subject

Thu Nov 19 13:17:21 EST 2015

 The Salem Historical Commission charges $0 for its applications (Appropriat=
eness, Hardship, Non-applicability, Waiver of DDO)=2E  It was felt that if f=
ees were charged, it would lead to an increase of owners attempting to do wo=
rk without getting approvals (in order to avoid the fee) and an increase in =
staff time having to deal with violations=2E  We do, however, have staff who=
 are assigned to the SHC and there is a small budget from the City=2E

Jane A=2E Guy
Assistant Community Development Director
City of Salem
Department of Planning & Community Development
120 Washington St=2E, 3rd Floor
Salem, MA  01970
(F) 978-740-0404
jguy at salem=2Ecom

Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 13:41:17 -0400

The Westport Historical Commission/Local Historic District Commission is an =
all volunteer organization, with no paid staff=2E  WHC is the only commissio=
n/board in Westport with independent regulatory authority that does not have=
 paid administrative help=2E  During our annual budget consultation with the=
 FinCom where we requested additional funding to hire administrative support=
, we were advised that we should increase our filing fees in order to raise =
money for the Town that could possibly (no guarantee) subsequently be used t=
o fund an increase to our meager budget=2E

WHC currently charges a $50 filing fee for applications for Certificates of =
Appropriateness for work in the Westport Point Local Historic District (abou=
t 150 houses), but no fee for Certificates of Non-Applicability or  Hardship=
=2E  We do not charge a filing fee to handle a demolition request forwarded =
to us from the Building Department about a property on Westport's 1,000 plus=
 listings on the Town's Historic Inventory=2E

We would be interested to know what is the practice for filing fees in other=
 Historical Commissions and Local Historic Districts=2E

Many thanks,  Jane Loos
WHC Secretary (since 2004) and Secretary/Clerk (since 2010)=2E

Please note the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office has determined tha=
t most emails to and from municipal officials are public records=2E FMI plea=
se refer to:  http://www=2Esec=2Estate=2Ema=2Eus/pre/preidx=2Ehtm=2E=20
Please consider the environment before printing this email=2E
For administrative questions regarding this list, please contact Christopher=
=2ESkelly at state=2Ema=2Eus directly=2E  PLEASE DO NOT "REPLY" TO THE WHOLE LI=
MassHistPres mailing list
MassHistPres at cs=2Eumb=2Eedu

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Our experience and conclusion has been the same as Salem's=2E&nbsp; We do ge=
t a modest appropriation from Town Meeting, courtesy of the Finance Committe=
e, which covers the cost of our legal ads of hearings, postage for mailings,=
 and the stipend of our executive secretary=2E</p><p>John Worden</p><p>Arlin=
gton HDC<br><br><br><br>------- Original Message -------<br><strong>From    =
:</strong> Jane  Guy[mailto:JGuy at salem=2Ecom]<br><strong>Sent    :</strong> =
3/28/2016 8:38:52 AM<br><strong>To      :</strong> masshistpres at cs=2Eumb=2Ee=
du<br><strong>Cc      :</strong> <br><strong>Subject :</strong> RE: Re: [Mas=
sHistPres] Local Historic District Filing Fees<br><br> The Salem Historical =
Commission charges $0 for its applications (Appropriateness, Hardship, Non-a=
pplicability, Waiver of DDO)=2E  It was felt that if fees were charged, it w=
ould lead to an increase of owners attempting to do work without getting app=
rovals (in order to avoid the fee) and an increase in staff time having to d=
eal with violations=2E  We do, however, have staff who are assigned to the S=
HC and there is a small budget from the City=2E<br><br>Jane A=2E Guy<br>Assi=
stant Community Development Director<br>City of Salem<br>Department of Plann=
ing &amp; Community Development<br>120 Washington St=2E, 3rd Floor<br>Salem,=
 MA  01970<br>978-619-5685<br>(F) 978-740-0404<br>jguy at salem=2Ecom<br>www=2E=
salem=2Ecom<br><br><br>Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2016 13:41:17 -0400<br><br></p><hr>=
<br>The Westport Historical Commission/Local Historic District Commission is=
 an all volunteer organization, with no paid staff=2E  WHC is the only commi=
ssion/board in Westport with independent regulatory authority that does not =
have paid administrative help=2E  During our annual budget consultation with=
 the FinCom where we requested additional funding to hire administrative sup=
port, we were advised that we should increase our filing fees in order to ra=
ise money for the Town that could possibly (no guarantee) subsequently be us=
ed to fund an increase to our meager budget=2E<br><br>WHC currently charges =
a $50 filing fee for applications for Certificates of Appropriateness for wo=
rk in the Westport Point Local Historic District (about 150 houses), but no =
fee for Certificates of Non-Applicability or  Hardship=2E  We do not charge =
a filing fee to handle a demolition request forwarded to us from the Buildin=
g Department about a property on Westport's 1,000 plus listings on the Town'=
s Historic Inventory=2E<br><br>We would be interested to know what is the pr=
actice for filing fees in other Historical Commissions and Local Historic Di=
stricts=2E<br><br>Many thanks,  Jane Loos<br>WHC Secretary (since 2004) and =
Secretary/Clerk (since 2010)=2E<br>________________________________<br><br>P=
lease note the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office has determined that=
 most emails to and from municipal officials are public records=2E FMI pleas=
e refer to:  <a href=3D"http://www=2Esec=2Estate=2Ema=2Eus/pre/preidx=2Ehtm=2E=
" target=3D"_new">http://www=2Esec=2Estate=2Ema=2Eus/pre/preidx=2Ehtm=2E</a>=
 <br>Please consider the environment before printing this email=2E<br>******=
************************<br>For administrative questions regarding this list=
, please contact Christopher=2ESkelly at state=2Ema=2Eus directly=2E  PLEASE DO=
 NOT "REPLY" TO THE WHOLE LIST=2E<br>MassHistPres mailing list<br>MassHistPr=
es at cs=2Eumb=2Eedu<br> <a href=3D"http://mailman=2Ecs=2Eumb=2Eedu/mailman/lis=
tinfo/masshistpres" target=3D"_new">http://mailman=2Ecs=2Eumb=2Eedu/mailman/=
listinfo/masshistpres</a> <br>********************************<br>


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