[MassHistPres] Demo Delay--Determining Historic Value

Mark and Amy Friend marknamy at verizon.net
Tue Oct 27 14:19:14 EDT 2015

In West Newbury, we will soon be voting on our Demo Delay Bylaw.  I am 
wondering if anyone would share with me the criteria your town uses to 
determine the historic value of a building brought before the commission 
because it is at risk of demolition.  Do you use the standards that the 
MHC uses for the National Register?
"The criteria for listing in the National Register are: a) association 
with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad 
patterns of our history; b) association with the lives of persons 
significant in our past; c) embodiment of distinctive characteristics of 
a type, period, or method of construction, or that represent a 
significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack 
individual distinction; or d) likelihood of yielding information 
significant in history or prehistory. Properties must meet at least one 
of the above criteria to be eligible for listing in the National Register."
Or do you use something else?
Thank you,
Amy Friend
West Newbury Historical Commission

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