[MassHistPres] Buying a Home with Historical Significance

Garrett Laws copperandslate at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 17:05:13 EST 2016

It's actually very easy, especially if you have a proactive real estate
agent on your commission. They can search MLS to keep on the reactive side
or they can look at your assessors database and sort properties by year

This will obviously create a lot of work looking at properties that may not
be "turning over" any time soon, but it's a great way to get you town
inventory in order.

Garrett Laws
The Copper & Slate Company, Inc.
(781) 893-1916

On Tuesday, February 2, 2016, Gwen Miller <gmiller at townoflenox.com> wrote:

> Lenox would be interested in this as well!
> Thanks,
> Gwen
> Gwen M. Miller, AICP  |  Land Use Director and Town Planner
> Town of Lenox | 6 Walker Street | Lenox, Massachusetts | 01240
> *P*: 413.637.5500, x 1203 | *F*: 413.637.5518
> www.townoflenox.com
> *"Lyons, Pamela" <plyons at city.waltham.ma.us
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','plyons at city.waltham.ma.us');>> on Tuesday,
> February 02, 2016 at 1:38 PM -0500 wrote:*
> Q: When a home is purchased that has Historical Significance, does your
> city or town notify the buyer about the historic significance and possibly
> then provide them with some history on the house,  perhaps some ways to
> preserve the historic feel and look to the house etc? Is there a way to do
> this, a way to provide a buyer with more information to preserve the
> history within the city/town? Do any of your cities or towns implement
> anything like this?
> Waltham Historical Commission
> Regards,
> Pamela Lyons
> Waltham Historical Commission
> *Principal Office Assistant *
> Email: PLyons at city.waltham.ma.us
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','PLyons at city.waltham.ma.us');>
> Phone: 781-314-3389
> Arthur Clark Government Center
> 119 School Street
> Waltham, MA 02452

Garrett Laws

The Copper & Slate Company, Inc.
Fine Roofing and Exterior Finish Carpentry
238 Calvary Street,
Waltham, MA 02453
(781) 893-1916

 Work we do:

 Where we've worked over the years:
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