[MassHistPres] Post for IFB Old Cemetery Conservation and Restoration Services in Mendon, Ma.
Kathy Schofield
kemscho at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 5 14:41:18 EST 2016
Good Morning,If possible could you post the following notice for the Town of Mendon?
Legal Notice
Town of Mendon
Invitation For Bids
TheTown of Mendon, (“the Town”), acting through Town Administrator Kimberly Newmanand the Mendon Historical Commission, invites the submission of sealed bids forservices related to the Professional Repair and Conservation of 111 PriorityLevel 1 Historic Gravestones and Two Surface Tombs located in the Old Cemetery ProvidenceStreet Mendon, Ma.
This property is listed on the National Registers of HistoricPlaces. All work must comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standard forthe Treatment of Historic Properties.
Proposalsmust be received at the Office of the Town Administrator, Mendon Town Hall, 20Main Street Mendon, Massachusetts 01756 on or before 11:00 am Wednesday March30, 2016. All sealed bids will be clearly marked Old Cemetery Restoration on the envelope. A bid bond,certified check, cash, or treasurer’s check must accompany each bid submittedin the amount of 5% of the bid.
TheTown of Mendon reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informalityin the proposal process, if deemed in the Town’s best interest.
TheInvitation For Bids (IFB), containing specifications, scope of work and generalinformation will be available upon request after 10:00 am on Monday March 7,2016 at the Office of the Town Administrator, Mendon Town Hall, 20 Main Street,Mendon, Massachusetts 01756 or by contacting Kimberly Newman, TownAdministrator by e-mail knewman at mendonma.gov or telephone at (508) 478-8863.The IFB may be downloaded from the Town’s website at www.mendonma.gov underprocurements.
Allbids for this project are subject to applicable public bidding laws of Massachusetts.
Questionsregarding the IFB must be in writing and either e-mailed to Kimberly NewmanTown Administrator knewman at mendonma.gov orfaxed to (508) 478-8214 by Thursday March 24, 2016.
MendonTown Hall Office hours: Monday - Thursday (9:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Regards,Kathy SchofieldMendon Historical Commission
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