[MassHistPres] Use of CPC funds to move a building to another state!

cvwtc at aol.com cvwtc at aol.com
Mon Mar 28 16:57:55 EDT 2016

I have admired that house for years but thought, it's only a matter of time before a developer targets it for destruction.  A shame history and beautiful architecture don't fit in with their plans.  Better to move it than to see it destroyed.   

Matt Pujo
No Country for Old Buildings

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Ware <eware at dracutma.gov>
To: massplanners <massplanners at cs.umb.edu>; masshistpres <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Sent: Mon, Mar 28, 2016 2:50 pm
Subject: [MassHistPres] Use of CPC funds to move a building to another state!

I’m wondering if across this state whether anyone has been in a similar situation and can advise the Dracut CPC and me on this situation.
A development team has recently come to the Planning Board to construct 45 age-restricted units on 12 acres of land.  On this property sits a wonderful Victorian Italianate house with barn.
The development team was asked to consider keeping the house and barn on the site however it does not fit in with their concept for the site. 
The development team has offered up to $25k to move the house (this is the money that they would have otherwise used demolishing the two buildings.)
Someone is dismantling the barn to move it to Methuen, a neighboring Massachusetts town. 
Now someone wants to move the house to Pelham, NH.  The Community Preservation Coalition has been consulted and they do not know whether CPC funds can be used for a building move and rehabilitation of the building if it is being moved to  another state.
The Dracut CPC has been advised by the CP Coalition to asked to contact Dracut legal counsel for a legal opinion.  Before I do that, I thought I’d ask the Massachusetts’ planning and preservation community if anyone has run into a similar situation.
Regrettably, the keeping of the house on site is not an option…………
Thanks for any thoughts and advice on this issue.
Betsy Ware
Director of Community Development
Town of Dracut, MA.

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