[MassHistPres] Demolition Permits vs. Building Permits
M Fenollosa
mmt.fenollosa at verizon.net
Fri Jul 14 13:41:21 EDT 2017
Hello, everyone --
We are interested in knowing the procedures followed by building
departments in those towns that have a separate demolition delay bylaw.
Does your building department wait until the /demolition/ permit can be
issued (because the criteria for preferably preserved are not met or the
delay period has elapsed) before issuing a /building/ permit for the
proposed replacement building? We have just learned that our building
department issues building permits routinely, notwithstanding historical
commission review under our demolition delay bylaw, because developers
want to know that they will be able to build according to their plans
/before/ going to all the other departments for permits and variances.
If other roadblocks (such as demo delay) are imposed, the building
department routinely extends the building permits to accommodate the delay.
This has become an issue because our zoning rules were just amended,
changing certain dimensional provisions for projects. A developer came
into a HC meeting requesting a demolition permit; we denied it, imposing
our 12 month delay. But because the building department (unbeknownst to
us) issued an earlier /building /permit, he will be grandfathered under
the older, less restrictive provisions of the zoning code after the demo
delay period has elapsed.
Our demo delay bylaw is very specific -- it says no /demolition /permit
can be issued until the HC notifies the building department that the
demolition delay bylaw criteria have been met. It never occurred to us
that this language would not restrict the issuance of a /building/
permit as well.
We would be grateful for any information you could share -
Thank you!
Marilyn Fenollosa
Lexington Historical Commission
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