[MassHistPres] Q: Short Cut to History of Deed/Ownership of Property

Melissa Totten mtotten at walpole-ma.gov
Fri Jun 16 16:11:09 EDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

I am a new member of Walpole’s HC, and I’m researching the history of a property that is before the Commission for review. I have the town assessor’s 2017 documents on the property, but no previous owners are listed. This is the first time I’ve seen that. The building is known to be ca. 1900.

Here’s a basic question:  Where do I go for documentation of the history of ownership and changes made to the property? Would the most direct route be a visit to the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds? If anyone is an old hand at this, I’d appreciate a pointer.

PS — this building has not been inventoried for inclusion in MACRIS, but I’m checking with other local history materials at our Library and the Historical Society.

Thanks, all.

Melissa Totten
Associate Member
Walpole Historical Commission
mtotten at walpole-ma.gov<mailto:mtotten at walpole-ma.gov>


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