[MassHistPres] Preliminary Mtgs & Special Fund

jworden at swwalaw.com jworden at swwalaw.com
Mon May 29 11:22:23 EDT 2017

Responding o both posts below - one regarding preliminary neighborhood info before considering an historic district, and the other about establishing a separate fund that the historical commission could use without town meeting appropriation, here's the experience in Arlington:1.  We always do neighborhood work before considering an historic district.  Often, the impetus has come from concerned residents.  After some preliminary research, we schedule one or more informational meetings.  Notice might be by mail or door-to-door hand distribution.  Not only do residents get their questions answered, but they often have historic tid-bits and info not found in public   records. Also, you can smoke out the opposition (if one is still allowed  to use that analogy).2.  As to the fund  of the type described, I was instrumental in setting one up here  some 35 years ago.  We got an allocation from Community Development Block Grant funds (200K) to establish a 501(c)(3) corporation, separate from the Town, but whose members are appointed by the Board of Selectmen from certain categories, similar to an historic district commission.  The principal business of the fund has been to make low-interest loans for historic preservation or restoration.  We've helped over 100 property owners over the years.John Worden, Arlington HDC, former president, Arlington Preservation Fund Inc.

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