[MassHistPres] Historic Windows

Tucker, Jonathan tuckerj at amherstma.gov
Tue May 30 16:05:08 EDT 2017

Dear Mr. Orwig:

In 2014, Amherst Town Meeting appropriated CPA funds for restoration of "The Angel of the Lilies," a large Tiffany window in the front façade of our local Unitarian meetinghouse.  The meetinghouse had a couple of John La Farge stained glass windows, as well.

Prior to seeking local CPA funding or having any restoration work done, the Unitarian Society sought professional help.  They obtained the services of Julie L. Sloan, a stained glass consultant located in North Adams, to evaluate the windows and address their restoration needs.  Her work was very professional and complete.

Her website can be found here:

http://www.jlsloan.com/ .

I hope that's useful.

Jonathan Tucker
Senior Planner
Amherst Planning Department
4 Boltwood Avenue, Town Hall
Amherst, MA  01002
(413) 259-3040
tuckerj at amherstma.gov    

Quoting Ttorwig at aol.com:

> What would be the procedure to evaluate, preserve, and possibly 
> restore a set of Tiffany pattern-glass windows? I've had a request for 
> information from a church that wants to do the right thing. Where do 
> they start?  Whom do they contact?
> Tim Orwig, Architectural Historian
> Wareham

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