[MassHistPres] Now Accepting Nominations for Preservation Massachusetts’ 2018 Most Endangered Historic Resource List –Nominations Due AUGUST 15

Stacia Caplanson scaplanson at preservationmass.org
Mon Jul 23 08:47:50 EDT 2018

Do you know of a building, landscape, bridge, barn or other historic
resource that is facing a challenge? Nominate it for listing on
Preservation Massachusetts’ 2018 Most Endangered Historic Resource List
–one of our education and advocacy programs.  Preservation Massachusetts
utilizes our statewide visibility to spotlight the resource and its
challenges, promote its importance and then draw upon our resources, staff
and networks to work with the nominators and other partners cooperatively
toward a positive outcome.

Since 1993, Preservation Massachusetts has endeavored to identify
endangered historic resources from across Massachusetts and identify ways
in which to work collaboratively with partners toward a positive
preservation outcome. Local groups or individuals who are deeply concerned
about the potential loss of significant resources submit nominations, which
are reviewed and discussed by a committee, and a list selected. The list is
one of the first steps in focusing statewide attention on the resources,
their challenge, their community importance, and can serve as a catalyst
for preservation opportunities.

The nomination forms for this year's Most Endangered and program
information are available on PM's website:
Nominations are due on August 15, 2018.

Questions or for more information, contact *Stacia Caplanson
(scaplanson at preservationmass.org <scaplanson at preservationmass.org>)*
MA Circuit Rider and Special Projects Manager, who is administering the
Most Endangered Program this year.

*Stacia Caplanson*

*Preservation Circuit Rider for Central and Western MA**Preservation

*The Landmark Building*
34 Main Street Extension, Suite 401
Plymouth, MA 02360
617-723-3383 <(617)%20723-3383>
Cell: 617-9993256

Website <http://www.preservationmass.org/> - Facebook
<http://facebook.com/preservationma>  - Twitter

Become a member of Preservation Massachusetts and support our advocacy,
education and empowerment work statewide!
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