[MassHistPres] Boston Landmarks Citizen Preservation Awards Call for Nominations

Kathleen vonJena kathleen.vonjena at boston.gov
Tue Mar 6 15:15:24 EST 2018

*The Boston Landmarks Commission is pleased to announce the call for
nominations for the 2018 Citizen Preservation Awards.*

The Citizen Preservation Award is given in recognition of the indispensable
role that volunteers play in making the preservation of Boston’s cultural
heritage and historic resources a reality. The preservation of these
resources has revitalized neighborhoods, spurred economic growth, and
preserved community character. Preservationists, working to protect our
historic assets, have maintained the sense of time and place that forms the
essence of our City. To honor these outstanding volunteers, BLC has
established the annual Citizen Preservation Awards.

*Please follow this link to the submission form*: https://goo.gl/forms/nMS

This is a google form requiring a google account. If you need a google
account: https://accounts.google.com/SignUpWithoutGmail?hl=en

Individual *non-professional volunteers* who support the disciplines of
Historic Preservation, Archaeology, Landscape Design or Architecture and
have shown outstanding dedication to the preservation of the City of
Boston’s historic resources may be nominated in the following categories:

• Archaeology
• Documentation and Survey
• Education & Outreach
• Landscape Preservation
• Rehabilitation & Restoration
• Preservation Advocacy
• Individual Lifetime Achievement
• Stewardship

Local historical commissions, preservation advocates and professionals, and
the general public are encouraged to nominate deserving individual
volunteers. Nominations *MUST* be received by BLC staff before the* March
15th* deadline. Awards will be presented in May.

If you have questions please contact kathleen.vonjena at boston.gov


[image: Digital_City_Seal_black.png]

*Kathleen von Jena*

Assistant Survey Director

Environment Department

617.635.3850 <(617)%20635-3850> (w)

*Boston Landmarks Commission *is the City's historic preservation agency -
find out more on our website <http://www.cityofboston.gov/landmarks/>, follow
us on facebook <https://www.facebook.com/BostonLandmarksCommission> &
twitter <https://twitter.com/@coblandmarks>.
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