[MassHistPres] Indigenous site under threat

Carolyn Goldstein Carolyn.Goldstein at umb.edu
Tue May 29 11:00:52 EDT 2018

Hello James,

There are Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPOs) for each Tribal Community.  Also, there is a Massachusetts Commission on Native American Affairs that could be a good resource.



Carolyn M. Goldstein, Ph.D.
Public History and Community Archives Program Manager
University Archives & Special Collections
Joseph P. Healey Library
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125
Tel (617) 287-5929

From: MassHistPres [mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu] On Behalf Of Roughan, Michael
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2018 6:27 PM
To: James Haskins <jhaskwri at gmail.com>
Cc: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Indigenous site under threat


If you have access to any of the tribal leaders that can visit the site, as the Chairman of the Hopkinton Historical Commission, I would like to sponsor an official visit to try and authenticate the archeological structures visible on the property.

We have sent emails to some of the tribes we have been given for reference but have not yet heard back.

I have visited the site and do agree there are foundations from properties that may date back to the 1700’s but have no documentation on their authenticity. There are also some stone artifacts that may predate these structures but we have no records at this point in time.


Michael Roughan, AIA, EDAC, LEED AP, ACHA
Vice President | Healthcare Principal
99 High Street, Suite 2300
Boston, Ma. 02110
D 617.357.7725<tel:617.357.7725> M 617.784.6463<tel:617.784.6463>
michael.roughan at hdrinc.com<mailto:michael.roughan at hdrinc.com>

On May 25, 2018, at 12:52 PM, James Haskins <jhaskwri at gmail.com<mailto:jhaskwri at gmail.com>> wrote:
Good Day All,

I’m here in Hopkinton. We have a newly discovered Indigenous cultural and a possibly religious site which has been identified on land which is going to be developed in the near future. The site is also close to a 18th century cellar hole. This discovery of the Indigenous site has been confirmed by the Narragansett Indian Tribal Preservation Officer and a representative from the Aquinas Wampanoag Nation. The Tribal Preservation Officers said they will not know the scope of the site until a Ceremonial Site Survey and an Archeological Survey has been completed. The Ceremonial Site Survey can’t be completed until October or November when the leaves fall from the trees.

The town has in place a 6 month demo delay law for stone walls, monuments, burials markers and structures. The towns Historical Commission will tell the planning board they want to enforce the demo delay law. My understanding is there is no funding for the historic surveys. After the 6 month demo delay has expired the developer can proceed without penalty.

Has any one else had similar experiences and how did you proceed?
Is there anything on the state level to help in this situation.
Are there programs for towns to defray survey and Archaeologist expenses?

Many Thanks,

James Haskins
Hopkinton MA
Hopkinton Historical Society

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