[MassHistPres] KIngston, Mass. Cemetery Master Plan RFP

Craig Dalton cdalton at maritime.edu
Wed Oct 31 18:53:19 EDT 2018

SERVICES The Town of Kingston, MA is seeking proposals from qualified
individuals or firms to provide consulting services to provide services for
completing a Preservation Master Plan of the “Old Burying Grounds.”

Proposals shall be received by the Chief Procurement Officer, Thomas
Calter, 26 Evergreen St., Kingston, Massachusetts until November 14, 2018
at 4:00 p.m.

*Documents are available upon request by emailing to:
bids at kingstonmass.org <bids at kingstonmass.org>. *

The Town of Kingston reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or
to waive any minor informalities in the proposals, if it appears in the
Town’s best interest to do so. Proposers shall submit separate price and
non-price (technical) proposals. The price proposal shall comply with all
minimum requirements set forth in this request in order to be considered
responsive. Non-price proposals shall be signed, placed in a separate
envelope and sealed. Both envelopes containing the price and the non-price
proposals must be clearly marked with the proposer’s name, date of opening
and either PRICE OR NON-PRICE PROPOSAL. A proposer may correct, modify or
withdraw a proposal by sealed written notice clearly marked as a
correction, modification or withdrawal and received in the office of the
Chief Procurement Officer prior to the time and date set for receipt of

This procurement is exempt from MGL Chapter 30B, but provisions of the law
have been incorporated into this Request for Proposals.

Craig Dalton
Chairman, Kingston Historical Commission
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