[MassHistPres] Fitchburg Tiffany Stained Glass

Judy Neiswander jneiswander at gmail.com
Sat Dec 14 11:42:08 EST 2019

According to MACRIS there is a preservation restriction on this building as
of 06/26/2007. Am I correct in believing that this means that exterior
changes must be approved by MHC? I also believe that stained glass is
considered to be part of the exterior wall when it is clearly visible from
the outside. It might be a good idea to contact Michael Steinitz at MHC and
also Virginia Raguin at Holy Cross (vraguin at holycross.edu). She is a
national expert on stained glass.

Good luck,

Judy Neiswander, Dedham Historical Commission

On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 8:06 AM D. Keith Chenot <kchenot at fitchburgstate.edu>

> The Fitchburg Historical Commission has been informed that the
> congregation that currently owns the National Register listed Calvinistic
> Congregational Church (Inventory No: FIT 215) is planning to sell five
> Tiffany stained glass windows to assist with other upkeep expenses of this
> grand 1897 “Richardsonian” style brownstone church. Does anyone have
> experience or suggestions on how we might alter this outcome? As a backup,
> we are hoping to make a photographic record of each if we can secure the
> funding.
> Keith Chenot, Fitchburg Historical Commission
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