[MassHistPres] Local Preservation Update E-Newsletter-June 24, 2019

heartwood jade at heartwoodrestoration.com
Mon Jun 24 21:06:47 EDT 2019

thanks chris for your efforts...that is quite a thorough list of ideas....
hope folks can implement them with success!

jade mortimer
heartwood window restoration
po box 114 1605 mohawk trail
charlemont, ma 01339

From: Skelly, Christopher (SEC) 
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 2:41 PM
To: mailto:masshistpres at cs.umb.edu 
Subject: [MassHistPres] Local Preservation Update E-Newsletter-June 24, 2019


Published by the Massachusetts Historical Commission

June 24, 2019



Listed below are over 70 ideas for building support for your local preservation efforts.  What ideas would you add to this list?  What are your success stories with building pubic support?


Community Education, Outreach and Engagement

Begin a historic plaque program for property owners 

Install interpretive signage throughout the historic district

Create a local preservation website

Manage a social media presence

Hold a workshop for contractors

Hold a workshop for realtors

Hold a workshop on wood window repair

Hold an architectural styles workshop

Hold a research your old home workshop

Hold a workshop on energy conservation in historic buildings

Install entering historic district signs to your districts

Incorporate historic districts into wayfinding signage

Organize an old house fair

Write a monthly newspaper column

Speak at meetings of local social and benevolent groups

Meet with the chamber of commerce to discuss economic development

Print a poster of the historic district suitable for framing

Print copies of old historic maps

Publicize and celebrate relevant anniversaries

Display historic photos in the library or town hall

Write a monthly or quarterly newsletter to property owners

Invite property owners to an annual listening session 

Submit success story press releases to the newspaper

Create a calendar of historic photos 

Organize a historic photo scanning event

Organize an oral history project 

Lead historic walking or bicycling neighborhood tours

Lead historic burial ground tours

Hold a celebration for new national register listings

Provide certificates to owners of national register listed properties


Holding Public Meetings and Hearings 

Treat all people fairly and respectfully 

Listen and ask questions

Don't engage in side conversations

Maintain strict ethical standards

Come to meetings prepared

Review whether the hearing room meets best practices for public hearings

Improve and update your local historic district design guidelines

Quote from your design guidelines in the decision-making process

Adopt Findings of Fact that support your decision

Explain the local historic district process at each public hearing

Have a meeting procedures handout in addition to a printed agenda

Send your agendas to other local boards and commissions


Commission Education and Improvement

Organize a regional meeting of preservation commissions
Become a certified local government 

Attend the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions Forum

Attend training offered by the Massachusetts Historical Commission

Review educational materials provided by National Alliance of Preservation Commissions

Regularly review applicable state historic preservation laws

Regularly review your local historic preservation bylaw or ordinance


Local and State Elected Officials

Present accomplishments annually to the Select Board or City Council

Provide quarterly written progress updates to the Select Board or City Council

Invite local and state elected officials to speak at events

Submit an annual report to your elected officials and local board members

Present a preservation award to a local or state elected official


School and Student Activities

Create an architectural eye spy scavenger hunt for children

Create a local historic building coloring book for children

Meet with local educators about bringing local history into the classroom

Create before and after photos for classroom activities


Local Non Profits and Friends Groups

Start a local non-profit preservation organization or friends group

Sponsor social and entertaining events

Hold fundraising events

Hold an annual preservation awards program

Start an annual endangered properties program


Preservation Planning

Update and expand your local historic property inventory

List properties on the National Register of Historic Places

Prepare a historic preservation plan with the assistance of a consultant

Adopt a realistic annual work program to accomplish specific preservation plan goals and objectives

Review zoning and other municipal regulations



If you are interested in hosting a regional workshop for local commissions, MHC staff may be available to present a workshop in your community. Typical topics include an Introduction to Historic Preservation Planning, Administering Demolition Delay Bylaws and Ordinances, Establishing Local Historic Districts, Preparing a Municipal Preservation Plan, Secretary of the Interior Standards and Local Historic District Design Guidelines, Benefits of Historic Preservation, Historic Preservation:  With or Without a Local Historic District, Architectural Preservation Districts as well as others.   Contact Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us for more information.  



Do you have a success story to share where a threatened historic resource was saved through local grassroots advocacy?  Advocacy includes techniques such as contacting local elected officials, speaking at public hearings, letter writing campaigns, organizing a friends group, raising funds, alerting the local media as well as many other techniques.  The Massachusetts Historical Commission is compiling success stories that could be shared with other communities facing threatened historic resources.  Of particular interest are examples from communities that do not have demolition delay.  If you have a success story to share, please contact Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us.  



Boston, Intervale Street-Columbia Road Historic District

Boston, Samuel Edelman Apartments

Cambridge, George Close Co.

Kingston, William Sever House

Springfield, Federal Square Historic District

Boston, Mount Hope Cemetery Technical Amendment

Duxbury, Cove Street Historic District



September 20, 2019

2019 State Historic Preservation Conference.  Plymouth.  


Christopher C. Skelly

Director of Local Government Programs

Massachusetts Historical Commission

Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us


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