[MassHistPres] Input from fire chief on demolition delay

sally milne urbanosally at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 13:06:59 EST 2019

Hello everyone,
     We  have encountered an issue I find perplexing and so I turn to you all.
In Harwich we have a Historic building for which the demolition delay is invoked. Having attended a number of demo hearings I notice the lawyers always object to personal opinion of the HDHC and keep them on point as to their guidelines for the hearings. However recently the fire chief and to a lesser degree the police department have made statements that the building under the demolition delay should be demolished as it is unstable. I understand the need for the fire department to red x the building so that firemen won’t enter and be hurt while putting out a fire, that would be in the realm of the fire chief. I do not think it is in his realm to deem the building be demolished. That would seem to be an engineering assessment along with the HDHC.
    Has anyone experienced this? I think it could be a detrimental practice and wonder how to handle it.

I thank you for your time and consideration.
Sally Urbano

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