[MassHistPres] question about ADA and preservation restrictions

James Blauch Architect jamesblauch_architect at verizon.net
Wed Oct 9 14:21:33 EDT 2019

Another access point is how a historic building should be addressed when it has something like a two-door entrance (each door less than 36” wide), or a smaller entrance area prohibiting clearances required at the main entrance or have steps leading up to the entrance portico with no site available for a HP ramp leading directly to the main entrance.  However, Olivia’s initial question also appears to address internal circulation.


Current and pertinent HP regulations:

1.	2010 ADA – for all state & local government facilities.  Specific reference is provided for historical buildings.  This regulation is enforced through the State Attorney General (NOT the local building department).
2.	2006 MAAB – for all PUBLIC areas of all MA buildings (except 1-2 family residences).  Non-public areas are NOT required to meet the 2006 MAAB.  For small renovations in existing buildings, work for building-wide compliance is not required. Thresholds are addressed in the current 9th edition of the State Building Code.  This regulation is directly referenced in the State Building Code.


2006 MAAB allows the Owner (or agent) to submit “waivers” for technically infeasible construction compliance to the MAAB for their review and action.   Approved waivers run with the building.


Analyzing full HP compliance requirements for a historic building and determining options to meet those requirements can be very involved and very complicated.  I highly recommend that you secure the services of a professional to determine your required HP compliance and to recommend options for your troublesome items.




James Blauch Architect

Commissioner, Silas Felton Historic District Commission, Hudson, MA

Cell: 508-868-8095

Email:  <mailto:JamesBlauch_Architect at verizon.net> JamesBlauch_Architect at verizon.net

Registered in MA & SC


From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> On Behalf Of Gretchen Schuler
Sent: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 12:55 PM
To: Fred Taylor <fmrdm1 at gmail.com>
Cc: Chris Skelly <Christopher.Skelly at sec.state.ma.us>; MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] question abouut ADA and preservation restrictions


I also believe that you can develop another access point that is not the main access for general public an "historic" building - in order to have less impact on key architectural features.  

Gretchen Schuler

Wayland Historic District Commission


On Wed, Oct 9, 2019 at 12:41 PM Fred Taylor <fmrdm1 at gmail.com <mailto:fmrdm1 at gmail.com> > wrote:



There is a waiver.  Some of what is involved in obtaining one includes:

*  One of the criteria used by the MAAB in evaluating the variance is whether or not it is technically feasible to establish public access for an historic building 

*  Application first sent to MHC to verify the building is historic. Local historic districts commission and historic commission write letters to explain why it is historic.   

*  If a town/city has a local Committee on Disabilities, they must weigh in with a formal vote.   The application must include the committee’s decision and must be signed by the chair.

*  MHC requires 30 days to review the application.

*  After 30 days the app is sent to Mass. Architectural Access board who schedules date to hear the case.

*  I am not sure if local hdc and hc can write letters to MAAB in support of the application.

*  I believe anyone can attend the hearing.

Fred Taylor, Sudbury



On Oct 9, 2019, at 7:23 AM, Olivia M <liv1946 at gmailcom <mailto:liv1946 at gmail.com> > wrote:


Question for the group:

Is there a waiver from historic preservation when making ADA improvements to public buildings-- specifically thinking about widening doors to make them wheel chair accessible.


( The building has preservation restrictions, on the National Register as individual and in a district)

thanks for your help.


Olivia Mausel

Holyoke Preservation Trust

92 Race St.

Holyoke, MA 01040

info at holyokepreservationtrust.org <mailto:info at holyokepreservationtrust.org> 

www.holyokepreservationtrust.org <http://www.holyokepreservationtrust.org/>  



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