[MassHistPres] Fwd: HH Richardson's Percy Browne House, demolition threat

Dennis De Witt abtdewitt at rcn.com
Thu Oct 24 14:30:31 EDT 2019

Please see the letter below with more complete information and contacts.

Dennis De Witt

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Granston, David, W./III" <granston at bu.edu>
> Subject: HH Richardson's Percy Browne House, demolition threat
> Date: October 24, 2019 at 1:15:46 PM EDT
> To: "Granston, David, W./III" <granston at bu.edu>
> In the last five days the threatened demolition of the Percy Browne House in Marion has spread far and wide thanks to social media posts, emails, telephone calls, and word of mouth.  Dozens of architects, academics, preservationists, museum professionals, and members of the public have expressed their dismay with Tabor Academy’s proposal to destroy the house, which was designed by Henry Hobson Richardson and completed in 1882.  
> Since purchasing the Browne property roughly a decade ago, Tabor has constructed dorms immediately behind the house, a headmaster’s residence immediately next door, and supposedly plans to construct an arts complex on the site of the Browne House itself.  While they claim the house is in poor condition, it was apparently occupied and used as a faculty residence until the last year or so.
> Many of you have taken the time and written to Tabor Academy’s administration expressing your dismay.  In addition to writing the Head of School and Director of Facilities, it is also important to write to Tabor Academy’s Trustees, and any Alumni you may know.  Some email addresses are included below.
> Many have also asked about preservation ordinances in Marion, but the town currently has nothing in place to prevent the demolition of historic buildings.  The Marion Historical Commission, which has an entirely new board as of September, 2019, is aware of the issue of the Browne House.  They are holding a meeting this coming Tuesday, October, 29, 2019, at 6:30 pm at the Marion Town House (2 Spring Street).  Discussion of the Percy Browne House is the first item on the agenda (link here:https://www.marionma.gov/sites/marionma/files/agendas/marion_historican_com._meeting_10.29.19.pdf <https://www.marionma.gov/sites/marionma/files/agendas/marion_historican_com._meeting_10.29.19.pdf> ).  If you are able attend this meeting and speak on behalf on the Browne House, please do.  Please also take the time to write to the members of the Marion Historical Commission, or provide them with copies of letters sent to Tabor Academy, so they are aware of the strong sentiments surrounding the Browne House.  Their emails are included below.
> The Sippican Historical Society, which has advocated for the preservation of other local buildings, is also aware of the demolition threat and has meeting scheduled for tonight, October 24, 2019.  If you would like to share your thoughts with them, or provide them with a copy of your letter to Tabor, some emails are included in the list below.  
> Tabor Academy
> John Quirk, Tabor Academy Head of School, jquirk at taboracadmy.org <mailto:jquirk at taboracadmy.org>
> Christopher Boucher, Tabor Academy Director of Facilities, cboucher at taboracademy.org <mailto:cboucher at taboracademy.org>
> Tabor Academy Trustees (very incomplete list):
> Carmine Martignetti, Chair, cmartignetti at martignetti.com <mailto:cmartignetti at martignetti.com>
> David Barrett, dbarrett at baldwinbrothersinc.com <mailto:dbarrett at baldwinbrothersinc.com>
> Janet McIntire, JennMcIntire90 at gmail.com <mailto:JennMcIntire90 at gmail.com>
> Jim Tomlinson, jim.tomlinson at verizon.net <mailto:jim.tomlinson at verizon.net>
> Jack Braitmayer, Trustee Emeritus, jbrtmyr at gmail.com <mailto:jbrtmyr at gmail.com>
> Marion Historical Commission
> Will Tifft, willtifft at gmail.com <mailto:willtifft at gmail.com>
> Peter Douglas, peter.douglas at davispolk.com <mailto:peter.douglas at davispolk.com>
> Meg Steinberg, bmjb at comcast.net <mailto:bmjb at comcast.net>
> Sippican Historical Society 
> Frank McNamee, President, frank at marionantiques.com <mailto:frank at marionantiques.com>
> David Pierce, Vice President, dpierce at taboracademy.org <mailto:dpierce at taboracademy.org>Will Tifft, Treasurer, willtifft at gmail.com <mailto:willtifft at gmail.com>
> Pete Smith, Curator, sippicanpete at verizon.net <mailto:sippicanpete at verizon.net>
> Jeffrey Miller, PhD, Executive Director, jeffreyallenmiller at gmail.com <mailto:jeffreyallenmiller at gmail.com>
> General Email: info at sippicanhistoricalsociety.org <mailto:info at sippicanhistoricalsociety.org>
> Thank you very much for your help in raising awareness of the Browne House, and working to prevent its demolition. 
> Sincerely,
> Willie Granston 
> Doctoral Candidate 
> History of Art & Architecture
> Boston University

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