[MassHistPres] COVID-19 Order No. 42, re extended Permitting Deadlines

Sullivan, Charles M. csullivan at cambridgema.gov
Mon Aug 17 13:00:49 EDT 2020

The City of Cambridge adopted this legislation last spring and thereby paused all applications for licenses, variances, special permits, building permits, certificates of appropriateness and the like. While the governor's state of emergency is still in effect, Cambridge began to issue permits administratively in June and to hold public hearings of the License Commission, Planning Board, BZA, and Historical Commission beginning in July to review backlogged applications.

Charles Sullivan, Executive Director
Cambridge Historical Commission
831 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Mass.  02139

From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> On Behalf Of Dennis De Witt
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 1:56 PM
To: MHC MHC listserve <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
Subject: [MassHistPres] COVID-19 Order No. 42, re extended Permitting Deadlines

I have just become aware of an emergency powers act that would appear to give local Commissions the right to delay decisions, possibly including demo related (and one wonders 40B related?) until 45 days after the end of the Covid emergency.


I am wondering if any Commissions have invoked it or consulted with the office of their Town Counsel or city equivalent about it?

Dennis De Witt
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