[MassHistPres] Local Commission Rules of Procedure

Skelly, Christopher (SEC) christopher.skelly at state.ma.us
Wed Jun 10 11:24:12 EDT 2020

If your local commission has Rules of Procedure (aka Rules and Regs) and would like to share them with other commissions, please let me know.  I will be compiling examples and adding them here.


So far, Amherst, Brookline and Falmouth are included but I'll be looking for more examples.


Rules of Procedure (aka Rules and Regulations) are an essential component of a well-run, efficient local commission. They organize the internal business of the commission, providing specific procedural actions for the commission to follow annually, monthly, and within action items at each meeting.  Rules of procedure typically include items such as the place and time of regular meetings, the annual meeting schedule, the procedure for the election of officers and the duties of the chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary, the role of alternate commission members, the procedure for alternate commission members to step in as voting members, the procedures for calling a special meeting, the delegation of authority to the chairperson or municipal staff, the signatory authority and procedure for the signing of certificates, the length of time that a certificate is valid, the expectations of commission members and the process for amending the rules of procedure.

Chris Skelly
Director of Local Government Programs
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us<https://owa.sec.state.ma.us/OWA/redir.aspx?C=38937adc663d493e9132c4f21f50a281&URL=mailto%3aChristopher.Skelly%40state.ma.us>
Contact me for additional information on the masshistpres listserve, guidebooks for local commissions and the MHC Local Preservation Update E-Newsletter.

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