[MassHistPres] Would you send me pictures of aesthetic home electric car rerecharging stations

Anne Lusk annelusk at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 13:01:46 EDT 2020

Dear All,

     Would you send me pictures of aesthetic home electric vehicle charging
stations (Level II) at your house or a neighbor's? I will not use a name or
address with the pictures.

     I am writing a web document through the Harvard Chan School of Public
Health to share information about electric cars and charging stations to
encourage more to consider an electric car (think COVID-19, Chelsea, the
Tobin Bridge, and climate change). Many historic homes in Massachusetts do
not have garages so a charging station has to be on the side of the house
or on a post.  In Brookline, the Preservation Commission requires residents
in historic districts to submit designs of their recharging stations. This
has resulted in handsome exterior recharging stations that will increase
property values, be safer, and perhaps encourage others to consider an
electric car.   Even the Tesla owners are looking for aesthetic designs.

     The best designs I have seen have the Level II plug (portable charger
cord) or the all-in-one charging station inside a wooden box with a door to
hide the charging station and cord.  Another design on the side of a
Victorian house has a painted backer board and a slanted roof over the
charging station. I need more examples to show the design options.  I
believe this combination of historic preservation and aesthetic charging
stations means preservation-minded people are offering their designs to
address climate change and pollution.  That's a good thing.

With gratitude for any pictures,

Anne Lusk, Ph.D.
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