[MassHistPres] stone walls
Katy Hax Holmes
kholmes at newtonma.gov
Wed Sep 16 16:38:00 EDT 2020
Anyone doing research on stone walls in New Hampshire can get archive-access to the ‘Blister Rust’ maps. These were prepared in the 1930s by the USDA FSA to track a virulent eater of white pines called, yes, blister rust. Each map recorded the location of every man-made landscape feature by town, including stone walls, to help locate trees that required protection. They are true works of art. This is the link to a map prepared for Hopkinton, NH, as one example: https://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?webmap=2738f1217a334f0ca4284ef990d5fed4
Katy Hax Holmes
Chief, Preservation Planning
City of Newton
From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> On Behalf Of Katharine Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2020 2:01 PM
To: MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu
Cc: william.ouimet at uconn.edu
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] stone walls
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Donna, and all:
Wanted to share some things that faculty and students at the University of Connecticut have been working on. Back in 2014 we published a paper using LiDAR to identify stone walls and other features (actually referenced in Jeff's great video!) which can be accessed here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0305440313004342<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com%2Fscience%2Farticle%2Fabs%2Fpii%2FS0305440313004342&data=02%7C01%7Ckholmes%40newtonma.gov%7Ca60946c41c6a4d7f49c508d85a767439%7C2a3929e0ccb54fb381402e2562c90e96%7C0%7C0%7C637358813004956477&sdata=TYD7YbsRiFJCLrOxPch9d1D5BO7wx4uM%2FRoGApL7L%2F4%3D&reserved=0> We’re happy to see how interested parties have been building off the themes in that paper to map stone walls and work towards better conservation practices throughout the region. Mapping stone walls via LiDAR data and GIS methods do carry a certain amount of error and uncertainty, but we would argue that they are a great place to start!
Here's the current state of the larger LiDAR-based stone wall mapping initiatives that we are aware of:
1. The online NH Stone Wall Mapper developed by Rick Chromann and colleagues and available through the NH Geological Survey -https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=f4d57ec1a6b8414190ca0662456dffb0<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.arcgis.com%2Fapps%2Fwebappviewer%2Findex.html%3Fid%3Df4d57ec1a6b8414190ca0662456dffb0&data=02%7C01%7Ckholmes%40newtonma.gov%7Ca60946c41c6a4d7f49c508d85a767439%7C2a3929e0ccb54fb381402e2562c90e96%7C0%7C0%7C637358813004966445&sdata=827COEeQnCi1na%2BcPeExbsMPq2eZTKEKSESyHJhwBbs%3D&reserved=0>
2. An online CT Stone Mapper developed by UConn - https://connecticut.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=0208461aa98a4df3969624e7110e1f2c<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fconnecticut.maps.arcgis.com%2Fapps%2Fwebappviewer%2Findex.html%3Fid%3D0208461aa98a4df3969624e7110e1f2c&data=02%7C01%7Ckholmes%40newtonma.gov%7Ca60946c41c6a4d7f49c508d85a767439%7C2a3929e0ccb54fb381402e2562c90e96%7C0%7C0%7C637358813004966445&sdata=EDyy8Y0R4krnU%2BFGVAaMC0mpm6vKC7l4LvjeIPz9eeQ%3D&reserved=0>
3. Various project and student based mapping in collaboration with UConn throughout CT, MA, VT and NY. This mapping is completed offline using data compiled on local desktops using ArcGIS software. Graphic with current status attached. We are working on an online viewer where these existing datasets will be shared.
An online mapper is not possible yet for MA because the LiDAR data is not easily available/viewable as rasters streamed through WMS and ArcGIS servers (as far as we know). Down the road, we are hoping for an online mapper that would include the ability to map in MA (and VT and NY and RI), available via a platform that includes background information, LiDAR tutorials, and tips/guidelines for best practices, etc..
In the meantime, it may be possible to include towns such as Whately in our current town mapping process. Our group commonly does have students available to learn the methods involved and map a specific region. We like town-based mapping because it provides a clear political boundary for completeness but also analysis. If you're interested, please email william.ouimet at uconn.edu<mailto:william.ouimet at uconn.edu>.
Overall, it’s important to keep in mind that these datasets are not meant to be perfect representations of all stone walls in a given area, they are remote sensing based datasets that inherently have a degree of error and uncertainty because: 1) the LiDAR point cloud data isn’t perfect; and 2) the mapping process involves user interpretation that undoubtedly varies from user to user. We are working on quantifying this user uncertainty. Repeat user and validation studies indicate that there is easily 10-20% error and uncertainty associated with stone wall maps (less uncertainty in deciduous forests with clear walls, more uncertainty in complex or heavy modified terrain). Experienced and novice alike users may consistently over- or under- map depending on their preferences and confidence in identifying/mapping walls.
Also, we don’t presume that these initiatives are the only active LiDAR-based stone wall mapping initiatives throughout the region. Please let us know if you know of others!
Kate Johnson
North Carolina State University
katharine.johnson at ncsu.edu<mailto:katharine.johnson at ncsu.edu>
Will Ouimet
University of Connecticut
william.ouimet at uconn.edu<mailto:william.ouimet at uconn.edu>
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From: Jeff Howry <jchowry at hotmail.com<mailto:jchowry at hotmail.com>>
Date: Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] stone walls
To: Lisa Dady <ldady at newtonma.gov<mailto:ldady at newtonma.gov>>, Donna Wiley <dwiley54 at gmail.com<mailto:dwiley54 at gmail.com>>, MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu> <MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>>
Hi Donna -
This past August Preservation Massachusetts hosted my presentation of "Stone Walls: how to Identify, Document and Evaluate them in Historic Landscapes" which you can view on their Youtube channel here:
If you or other members of the list have questions about historic stone walls, you are welcome to reach out to me.
Jeff Howry
Lexington, MA
Jeff Howry, Ph.D.
Massachusetts' Most Endangered Historic Properties<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.preservationmass.org%2Fmost-endangered-historic-resources&data=02%7C01%7Ckholmes%40newtonma.gov%7Ca60946c41c6a4d7f49c508d85a767439%7C2a3929e0ccb54fb381402e2562c90e96%7C0%7C0%7C637358813004976399&sdata=mHszVsMvqSK1wtKRuKVQPMDVeRjSNhyuK%2FAiF6XjgNk%3D&reserved=0> - Historic Stone Walls<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2F1drv.ms%2Fb%2Fs!ArYq0JjQNQTL4zLyzxSt-HP99Ekx&data=02%7C01%7Ckholmes%40newtonma.gov%7Ca60946c41c6a4d7f49c508d85a767439%7C2a3929e0ccb54fb381402e2562c90e96%7C0%7C0%7C637358813004976399&sdata=1IkaPV4z0OSu92MVxjyDudHBsOFK7h528Z4qkQkU0pc%3D&reserved=0>
Recent Webinar: Historic Landscapes in the New and Old Worlds<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DJn6RiuBQ5E4%26list%3DPL-HMFuJMarh_MfQB1OSvCZa9_WlvoicM5%26index%3D9%26t%3D0s&data=02%7C01%7Ckholmes%40newtonma.gov%7Ca60946c41c6a4d7f49c508d85a767439%7C2a3929e0ccb54fb381402e2562c90e96%7C0%7C0%7C637358813004986363&sdata=ZMjKz0rftUNGp5V4BzjWnzAWPXl97vfI8%2Bnq7BvNEjo%3D&reserved=0>
"Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt." - John Muir
From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu>> on behalf of Lisa Dady <ldady at newtonma.gov<mailto:ldady at newtonma.gov>>
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 3:20 PM
To: Donna Wiley <dwiley54 at gmail.com<mailto:dwiley54 at gmail.com>>; MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu> <MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>>
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] stone walls
Hi Donna,
This publication might answer some of your questions: https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mass.gov%2Fdoc%2Fterra-firma-5%2Fdownload&data=02%7C01%7C%7Ccb2cf212cbcd4ceb187108d858ef5e40%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637357132389717612&sdata=1p%2FjcgdcPdz5DPzyHuayIZ%2BLldoGpliLp%2FoB8dlCr5I%3D&reserved=0<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mass.gov%2Fdoc%2Fterra-firma-5%2Fdownload&data=02%7C01%7Ckholmes%40newtonma.gov%7Ca60946c41c6a4d7f49c508d85a767439%7C2a3929e0ccb54fb381402e2562c90e96%7C0%7C0%7C637358813004986363&sdata=sxH6nKhPqenzIiZFatTMLytfH6XCV2xuhWgsneA%2BjvU%3D&reserved=0>
Good luck.
Lisa S. Dady
Executive Director
Historic Newton
527 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02458
-----Original Message-----
From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu>> On Behalf Of Donna Wiley
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 9:37 AM
To: MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>
Subject: [MassHistPres] stone walls
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Please send suggestions for:
a) possible funding sources for mapping historic stone walls
b) names of professional specialists who might be available for such a project, or academic programs in New England whose students might be available.
Donna Wiley
Whately Historical Commission
MassHistPres mailing list
MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>
When responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is public record and therefore cannot be kept confidential.
MassHistPres mailing list
MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>
MassHistPres mailing list
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Katharine M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Research Associate
North Carolina State University
North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (NCICS)
151 Patton Ave. Asheville, NC 28801
katharine.johnson at ncsu.edu<mailto:katharine.johnson at ncsu.edu>
When responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is public record and therefore cannot be kept confidential.
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