[MassHistPres] One room School Houses

Haley, Ben (SEC) ben.haley at state.ma.us
Mon Sep 21 09:19:28 EDT 2020

Dear Connie:

Have you used MACRIS to search for one-room schoolhouses? You may, of course, get replies from people in towns where examples have not been documented through survey and thus are not in the MHC inventory, but you'll probably find more through MACRIS than relying upon others to reply to you, since many extant examples could be in towns that don't have active historical commissions, or with members who don't check emails from this listserv regularly. You can enter "school" or "schoolhouse" in the "Common or Historic Name" field in the "Refine Your Search" section of MACRIS. A search I performed just now for "schoolhouse" in all towns, for example, returned more than 500 results. (I didn't try "school.") They're not all one-room schoolhouses, but most are photographed and have attached inventory forms with additional information, so would be a good place to start.


Ben Haley
Preservation Planner
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
Ph: 617-727-8470
Fax: 617-727-5128
ben.haley at sec.state.ma.us<https://owa.sec.state.ma.us/owa/redir.aspx?C=g-UrbAOcH-6AfUOM_E5TJ32Mwc8MQ2E5lLQ3vKZ7ELkhAPM1NNfXCA..&URL=mailto%3aben.haley%40sec.state.ma.us>

Please be advised that the Massachusetts Secretary of State considers e-mail to be a public record, and therefore subject to public access under the Massachusetts Public Records Law,M.G.L. c. 66 § 10.
From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> on behalf of Connie Hellwig <oldcolchester at gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2020 7:24:34 PM
To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: [MassHistPres] One room School Houses

Hello – This is Connie Hellwig from the Salisbury Historical Commission.  I am conducting a survey throughout Massachusetts to find out how many one-room school houses still exist.  If you would each reply with your town with a yes, and how many, or no there are none, that would be extremely helpful and will enable me to publish my results.  Thank you!

Connie Hellwig
Vice Chairman
Salisbury Historical Commission

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