[MassHistPres] Grant submissions

Pleun Bouricius pleunbouricius at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 16:23:09 EDT 2021

It is par for the course for historical commissions to apply for CPA funds, for inventorying, repair, assessments , and so forth, sometimes to match MHC grants, of a whole host of historical assets, including buildings; documents, records, and other archival collections;  archaeological resources; and so forth. If the push-back involves CPA grants, it sometimes makes sense to get advice from the CPC (https://www.communitypreservation.org/ <https://www.communitypreservation.org/>) or if it involves documents to talk to the SHRAB (https://www.sec.state.ma.us/arc/arcaac/aacidx.htm <https://www.sec.state.ma.us/arc/arcaac/aacidx.htm>). Historical Commissions also routinely apply for funding for monument repair from the SHRAB. https://www.sec.state.ma.us/arc/arcaac/MA_SHRAB_brochure.pdf <https://www.sec.state.ma.us/arc/arcaac/MA_SHRAB_brochure.pdf>

Good luck!


> On Aug 10, 2021, at 2:47 PM, Doherty, Jennifer (SEC) <jennifer.doherty2 at state.ma.us> wrote:
> Hi Connie,
> Historical Commissions established under MGL Chapter 40, 8d <https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleVII/Chapter40/Section8D> can "enter into contracts with individuals, organizations and institutions for services furthering the objectives of the commission's program; may enter into contracts with local or regional associations for cooperative endeavors furthering the commission's program; may accept gifts, contributions and bequests of funds from individuals, foundations and from federal, state or other governmental bodies for the purpose of furthering the commission's program; may make and sign any agreements and may do and perform any and all acts which may be necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this section."
> Many commissions throughout the state apply to MHC for grant funds to document historic resources or to develop a preservation plan. They also apply for local Community Preservation Act funds to repair municipally-owned historic resources within their community. 
> If you can provide further specifics or have further questions, please let me know.
> Thank you,
> Jenn
> Jennifer B. Doherty
> Local Government Programs Coordinator
> Massachusetts Historical Commission
> 220 Morrissey Boulevard
> Boston, MA 02125-3314
> (617) 727-8470
> Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us <mailto:jennifer.doherty at sec.state.ma.us>
> From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu <mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu>> on behalf of Connie Hellwig <oldcolchester at gmail.com <mailto:oldcolchester at gmail.com>>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 12:05:21 PM
> To: masshistpres at cs.umb.edu <mailto:masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
> Subject: [MassHistPres] Grant submissions
> Can anyone clarify if Historical Commissions can submit grants to benefit their town's historical assets?  We are getting some push back on this issue.  
> Connie Hellwig
> Vice Chairman
> Salisbury Historical Commission
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Pleun Clara Bouricius, PhD
pleunbouricius at gmail.com

Swift River Press <http://swiftriverpress.com/>: 
Public History & Communications by Pleun Bouricius

PO Box 41
Plainfield, MA 01070, USA
Home +1413-634-2250

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