[MassHistPres] MHC Workshop-Introduction to Historic Preservation Planning-Feb 2

Skelly, Christopher (SEC) christopher.skelly at state.ma.us
Fri Jan 22 11:50:07 EST 2021

Massachusetts Historical Commission Virtual Workshops for Local Commissions
Introduction to Historic Preservation Planning
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

This workshop provides an overview of the role of local historical commissions in Massachusetts.  Participants will learn about the basic steps of community-wide historic preservation planning,  which are identifying, evaluating and protecting historic resources.

This online workshop will be limited to 12 people.  Additional workshops will be added as interest warrants.  If you register and are then unable to attend this workshop, please cancel your registration or let me know as soon as possible so that another person can take your place.

Online registration for this workshop is below.  A link for attending the online workshop will be sent out to registrants the day before.

Any questions, please feel free to let me know.

Chris Skelly
Director of Local Government Programs
Massachusetts Historical Commission
Christopher.Skelly at state.ma.us<https://owa.sec.state.ma.us/OWA/redir.aspx?C=38937adc663d493e9132c4f21f50a281&URL=mailto%3aChristopher.Skelly%40state.ma.us>

MHC Virtual Workshops for Local Commission Members
December 3-Intro to Historic Preservation Planning
December 10-Intro to Historic Preservation Planning
December 16-Intro to Historic Preservation Planning
January 6-Establishing Local Historic Districts
January 12-Intro to Historic Preservation Planning
January 22-Historic Preservation Plans for Cities and Towns
January 28-Establishing Local Historic Districts
February 2-Introduction to Historic Preservation Planning
February 3- Historic Preservation Plans for Cities and Towns
February 11-Intro to Historic Preservation Planning
February 17- Historic Preservation Plans for Cities and Towns
February 23-Alternative Materials and Local Historic Districts
Additional workshops will be posted on masshistpres, the statewide historic preservation listserve.  If you are receiving this email but not a member of masshistpres, please email me for instructions on how to join.

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