[MassHistPres] Historic Preservation Restriction Case Studies

James O'Day jamesodaydesign at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 09:55:02 EDT 2021

This is a timely topic for our HC...

If in some instances the restrictions can be lost, I also wonder the same
about the funds that the PR-holder receives for endowments and the "cost"
to "purchase" the restriction, which are likely grant-funds sourced from
taxpayers via, in Dartmouth's case, they will likely be CPC funds collected
from real estate tax bills.

Where do the endowment funds and purchase costs of the PR live once the
PR-hold has received them? Are they set aside in a special PR account for
the property or are they co-mingled with the organization's general fund
where they could be used for general operating expenses, etc.?

If the latter situation (co-mingled and not held in a specifically
earmarked account), could these funds be misappropriated? Especially, if
 no auditing or accounting mechanism is in place ? I note that MGL c.186,
section 15B -- regarding the  landlord-tenant business relationship -- is
quite explicit about the handling of escrowed funds for security deposits,
which establishes protocols and guardrails for accounting and tracking of
these funds.

Are there similar protocols and  guardrails in place to protect the
taxpayers' dollars when funding PRs?

On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 9:13 AM Ralph Slate <slater at alum.rpi.edu> wrote:

> In Springfield, to avoid the cost of creating historic preservation
> restrictions, we have created single-building Local Historic Districts when
> we grant monies to properties for historic preservation.
> We have had properties with HPRs in Springfield dating back 40 years, but
> knowledge of them seemed to become lost over many years of time passage -
> their status is in a filing cabinet somewhere, if it hasn't already been
> thrown out. I don't know if those older HPRs were filed with the Registry
> of Deeds, but even if it was, you can't just go to the Registry and say
> "give me all the properties with HPRs on them". And also, even if filed
> with the deeds, the restrictions can become lost, because as the property
> gets sold, they may just drop the line that says "subject to the
> restrictions...".
> LHDs are more prominent and acknowledged in Springfield, so it's much
> easier to get a list of them and to know that they exist, and they get
> flagged in the city's systems.
> Ralph Slate
> Springfield, MA
> On 6/21/2021 3:36 PM, Jamie Webb wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I'm working with the City of Easthampton's CPA Committee to investigate
> the purchase of a historic preservation restriction on our local library
> (owned and managed by the local public library association). The library is
> too small for their needs and they are interested in eventually selling the
> building to finance their move to a new location in the City. Because the
> building was built as a library in 1881 and has never been sold or used for
> another purpose, it is largely historically intact both interior and
> exterior. We are exploring purchasing a HPR but don't know enough about the
> process including costs to implement it (legal fees, appraisals, etc.) and
> how to value the cost of the deed restriction. Any case studies or example
> that you may have for the costs and process for implementing historic
> preservation restrictions on public buildings would be appreciated. Thank
> you!
> Jamie Webb
> Assistant Planner
> City of Easthampton - Planning Department
> 50 Payson Avenue, Easthampton, MA 01027
> 413.529.1405  /  Website <https://easthamptonma.gov/index.php/planning>
> /  Facebook
> <https://www.facebook.com/Easthampton-Planning-Department-380076865424358>
> *Please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State considers
> e-mail to be a public record subject to the provisions of the MA Public
> Records Law, MGL ch. 66. *
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