[MassHistPres] Historic district question: Language for ensuring replacement of building after fire?

Stacy Spies stacyspies at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 15:26:51 EST 2021

Can anyone provide a good "sunset clause" for rebuilding after demo in a
local historic district?  A building in our local historic district
experienced a fire and has been deemed structurally unsound.  The owner has
offered to rebuild to similar in size and detail, etc. but our concern lies
with approving demo and then something happening in the "after."  (example,
allowing demo and getting stuck with a hole in the ground with, or, worse,
something nonconforming going in.)
Stacy Spies

*Stacy Spies,* Historic Preservation Consultant
www.stacyspies.com <http://stacyspies.com>
Instagram @stacyspies
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