[MassHistPres] Solar panels in historic districts
George Shaw
georgeshawartist at gmail.com
Sat Oct 9 11:22:46 EDT 2021
I'd be curious to hear what thoughts folks have on photovoltaic shingles
such as those manufactured by Tesla? They are less visible than traditional
panels, but look different than more traditional asphalt shingles. Would
they be an acceptable alternative in a historic district?
George Shaw
Harmony Woodworking
On Sat, Oct 9, 2021, 10:43 AM Gretchen Schuler <ggschuler126 at gmail.com>
> I know that there have been discussions about solar panels. If there is a
> way to search topics in this listserve I would love to know
> My question is: how have other LHDCs dealt with applications for an array
> of solar panels on roofs of 18th and 19th century buildings (so many of
> which were built to optimize a south exposure). It sure is a major visible
> change for which there certainly is no historic precedent.
> Many thanks in advance
> Gretchen Schuler
> Wayland Historic District Commission
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