[MassHistPres] question about guard rails

Jenny O'Neill westporthistory at westporthistory.net
Wed Apr 20 17:28:52 EDT 2022

I am seeking guidance on the following issue:

Last year the town of Westport highway department installed two metal guard
rails along Drift road which is a rural, winding, scenic road (not
designated as an official scenic road however) and not a busy highway. The
guard rails run along a more recent small bridge, adjacent to the historic
Kirby Bridge on Drift Road, ruining the historic nature of the site. The
rails seem to be excessively long for the location. The project was
funded by Chapter 90 state money.  It seems that the town was not really
aware of the historical significance of the site, and when applying for
state funds, they did not "check the box" for "historic site" on the
application form.  The bridge is identified in the MHC inventory.

Some people would like the guard rails to be removed, but the town is
unlikely to agree to that from a safety and liability perspective.

There does not seem to be any local oversight or community input for these

I would appreciate any  thoughts on/experience with creating a protocol for
the town to review DOT funded work from a historic preservation
perspective. Might this be a responsibility for the local historical

I would also be interested in learning about any acceptable alternatives to
metal guard rails. I have been informed that some of the alternatives are
costly when compared to the steel guard rails.

I am aware of the option of scenic road designation for the future but
unfortunately do not think this would be an easy alternative.

Please share any similar experiences of / solutions to unsightly guard
rails on quiet rural roads.

Thank you.

Jenny O'Neill, Executive Director
Westport Historical Society
westporthistory at westporthistory.net
PO Box N188, 830 Drift Road, Westport MA 02790
508 636 6011
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