[MassHistPres] Experience with requests to paint vinyl siding

Patricia Kelleher pkelleher at Salem.com
Thu Apr 21 15:24:36 EDT 2022

Hi everyone,

The Salem Historical Commission recently received an application to paint vinyl siding in one of the city's local historic districts. The Commission is very hesitant to approve the request due to concerns about longevity of the painted finish and has suggested to the owner that he remove the siding and restore the underlying wood clapboards and trim instead. The owner is resistant to this idea and is still seeking to paint the yellow vinyl in white paint. This is the first request to my knowledge in Salem and I was wondering if other local historic district commissions have experience with painted vinyl siding.

Thank you,


Patti Kelleher
Preservation Planner
City of Salem | Department of Planning & Community Development
98 Washington St., 2nd Floor | Salem, MA  01970
978-619-5685  ext. 42510 | pkelleher at salem.com<mailto:pkelleher at salem.com>
www.preservingsalem.com<http://www.preservingsalem.com> | www.salem.com<http://www.salem.com>
[Salem Logo - Small]

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