[MassHistPres] antique window replacement

Richard McGrath mastermasonmcgrath at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 21:12:45 EDT 2022

The town of Lunenburg wants to replace the windows in the 1910 former
library with  clad double pane. true divided lite. wood replacement
windows. The large old windows are said to take two people to open them and
are in need of maintenance: putty, ease of opening and closing, paint,
storm window repair. The replacement windows will be smaller than the
existing because a standard window isn't the same size as the original. The
Architectural Preservation District Commission returned the Certificate to
alter and requested that it be changed to restoring the existing and
returned to us, The Town Manager wants to replace them, seeing the new
windows as superior to the old. Please let me know of any experiences that
you have had with a similar situation and any studies that we can refer to
that compare new to old so that we can educate and elevate the Town
mManager, Selectboard and the general population.

Thank you,

Richard McGrath, member Lunenburg APDC
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