[MassHistPres] Public transportation and HDC's

Sullivan, Charles M. csullivan at cambridgema.gov
Wed Dec 21 11:03:02 EST 2022

You're welcome, Ann!

It's worth noting that none of the parties in the case questioned the public visibility of the property - not even the attorney for the owner.



Charles Sullivan, Executive Director
Cambridge Historical Commission
831 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Mass. 02139
617 349-4684
From: Ann Clifford <aclifford at concordma.gov>
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2022 7:58:21 AM
To: Gretchen Schuler <ggschuler126 at gmail.com>; Sullivan, Charles M. <csullivan at cambridgema.gov>
Cc: Dennis De Witt <abtdewitt at rcn.com>; MHC MHC listserve <MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>
Subject: RE: [MassHistPres] Public transportation and HDC's

This is all so very helpful—many thanks! We will try to track down the Newton case and share what we find.

Happy holidays,


Ann Clifford, Senior Planner

Concord Planning Division

141 Keyes Road

Concord, MA 01742


From: Gretchen Schuler <ggschuler126 at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 9:15 PM
To: Sullivan, Charles M. <csullivan at cambridgema.gov>
Cc: Dennis De Witt <abtdewitt at rcn.com>; Ann Clifford <aclifford at concordma.gov>; MHC MHC listserve <MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Public transportation and HDC's

And thank you, Charlie - I was wondering what I would say - I was the Preservation Planner in Newton at the time - and yes it happened as Mr' Sullivan recalls.  Wish I could remember what was being done to the property. But yes, it was determined to be visible from a public way.

Gretchen Schuler

Wayland Historic District Commission

On Tue, Dec 20, 2022 at 3:31 PM Sullivan, Charles M. <csullivan at cambridgema.gov<mailto:csullivan at cambridgema.gov>> wrote:

I served on an MAPC appeal panel in the 1990s that involved a Newton case of an historic district violation on a private way (this was before Newton went to the legislature and got their private ways declared public for the purpose of HDC review). The site visit involved boarding a Riverside Branch train at Reservoir to observe the property from the moving vehicle. (“There it goes … see it?”) There was no question in our minds that the property was publicly visible, even if only fleetingly.

I’m glad to have the chance to record this story for posterity.


Charles Sullivan, Executive Director

Cambridge Historical Commission

831 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, Mass.  02139

617 349-4684

From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu<mailto:masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu>> On Behalf Of Dennis De Witt
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2022 1:44 PM
To: Ann Clifford <aclifford at concordma.gov<mailto:aclifford at concordma.gov>>
Cc: MHC MHC listserve <MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu<mailto:MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>>
Subject: Re: [MassHistPres] Public transportation and HDC's


I should have thought the argument could be made that if the MBTA owns and uses it, it is a public way just as much as, say, an expressway, even though the public is not intended to enter either on foot.

Dennis De Witt

On Dec 20, 2022, at 12:19 PM, Ann Clifford <aclifford at concordma.gov<mailto:aclifford at concordma.gov>> wrote:

Good afternoon,

Where does public transportation fit into the definition of “public way” when it comes to Historic Districts? Are MBTA rail lines considered public or private? Are train cars consider a public place?

Review of a property on the railroad right of way recently came before the Concord HDC. (It was the Alcott family’s first house in Concord and was used as inspiration for the family home described in the book, Little Women. The Alcotts were well-known abolitionists.) The current owner of the property in question stated that the railroad is privately owned and therefore exempt from HDC review.

To me, the spirit of the Historic Districts Act should allow for HDC review of projects open to view from public transportation. Does the letter of the Act allow for it? Consider the millions of people whose only glimpse of the town is through the window of a train. In the case of Concord, a town of several well-known abolitionists who provided refuge for people seeking freedom from their enslavers via the Underground Railroad, that view from the train is especially important.

The Purpose of the HDC in Concord, founded by Special Act, is slightly different from other HDC’s in the Commonwealth:

The purpose of this Act is to promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the public through the preservation and protection of buildings, places and districts of historic or literary significance through the development and maintenance of appropriate settings for said buildings, places and districts and through the maintenance of said buildings, places and districts as sites and landmarks compatible with the literary and historic tradition of Concord.

In defining the jurisdiction of the Concord Historic District Commission Special Act uses this language:  “open to view from a public street, way or place.” This differs slightly from the more specific language of MGL 40c: “open to view from a public street, public way, public park or public body of water.”

Does anyone have experience with this?

Thank you so much for your help!



Ann Clifford, Senior Planner

Concord Planning Division

141 Keyes Road

Concord, MA 01742


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