[MassHistPres] Demolition delay ordinances - running with specific properties

Sandra Fawn sandrafawn at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 12:46:48 EDT 2022

Hello everyone,

Our town, Orange, does not have a demolition delay ordinance and I was told
by the town clerk that a demo delay article was "overwhelmingly voted down"
in 2003.
The Historical Commission would like to prepare a new article for demo
delay and the thought is to have it specific to town-owned properties. The
reason for this is that the Town has demolished several town-owned
properties in the recent past (wonderful historic properties!) and there
was nothing the citizens or Historical Commission could do to delay or stop
these demolitions.
In addition, if there was a demo delay ordinance specific to town-owned
properties, then properties "taken" by the town that are of historical
significance could be protected to some degree.

Questions - does anyone, any Town or City, have a demolition delay
ordinance which is specific to certain areas of the town or to
government-owned property?
We have a National Register District - does anyone have a demo delay
ordinance that is specific to listed, National Register, properties?

I appreciate any input.

Thank you,

Sandra Fawn, Chair
Orange Historical Commission
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