[MassHistPres] Updates from COSTEP MA
Doherty, Jennifer (SEC)
jennifer.doherty2 at state.ma.us
Thu Nov 17 12:02:32 EST 2022
Disaster Recovery Kit Giveaway!
COSTEP MA is pleased to freely offer a limited number of small Disaster Recovery Kits (universityproducts.com)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/state.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67cc812b37ecb523c1d910811&id=e79b2abd74&e=c4b8ab68f5__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!jPSRlkDmeZec7dZK5doeSotn9kY9iQmRigv1Es0QaWuyXAH0kOuzHQ66DSHqa-W2WjZa9TapEOtjdU1Vyv8fu9dfewnx$> to cultural heritage institutions in Massachusetts. These kits are valued at $253 each and are especially useful for responding to relatively small collections emergencies.
Eight institutions will be randomly selected to each receive one kit after satisfying the following program requirements. At least one COSTEP MA Board member will deliver the kit and provide a short training on its contents for you and any interested stakeholders.
Program requirements
Email CostepMA at gmail.com<mailto:CostepMA at gmail.com> stating your intent to enter the giveaway, providing the following information in your email, by December 7, 2022:
1. Confirm that you, or a rep your institution, is subscribed to the COSTEP MA email list
2. Confirm that your institution has completed a listing in the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency's "Cultural Heritage Facilities Survey (arcgis.com)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/state.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67cc812b37ecb523c1d910811&id=18c82bb6bf&e=c4b8ab68f5__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!jPSRlkDmeZec7dZK5doeSotn9kY9iQmRigv1Es0QaWuyXAH0kOuzHQ66DSHqa-W2WjZa9TapEOtjdU1Vyv8fuxHwRe_a$>"
3. Confirm that you can write a short note (at least 1 paragraph) to COSTEP MA about your institution's disaster risks and how the disaster kit may help. COSTEP MA would like to post it on our blog, so including a couple photographs is preferred. If you wish to write more than a paragraph, about any topics in disaster preparedness, response, or recovery, we would love to share it!
4. Confirm that you can commit to attend at least one virtual COSTEP MA Executive Committee meeting to give us feedback on network activities and engagement. (If awarded a disaster supply kit, the COSTEP MA Executive Committee will work with you to coordinate meeting participation.)
This grant is made possible by an Emergency Microgrant (culturalheritage.org)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/state.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67cc812b37ecb523c1d910811&id=fb29eb535e&e=c4b8ab68f5__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!jPSRlkDmeZec7dZK5doeSotn9kY9iQmRigv1Es0QaWuyXAH0kOuzHQ66DSHqa-W2WjZa9TapEOtjdU1Vyv8fu_zfvYPW$> from the Foundation for Advancement in Conservation (FAIC)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/state.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67cc812b37ecb523c1d910811&id=fa15b8b4ea&e=c4b8ab68f5__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!jPSRlkDmeZec7dZK5doeSotn9kY9iQmRigv1Es0QaWuyXAH0kOuzHQ66DSHqa-W2WjZa9TapEOtjdU1Vyv8fu-I1JMun$>.
Winter Tips for your Buildings & Collections
Apropos of the season, we point you to COSTEP MA's risk-mitigation and preparedness tips for Winter: Winter tips from COSTEP MA subscribers - COSTEP MA (state.ma.us)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/state.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67cc812b37ecb523c1d910811&id=6530f206c9&e=c4b8ab68f5__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!jPSRlkDmeZec7dZK5doeSotn9kY9iQmRigv1Es0QaWuyXAH0kOuzHQ66DSHqa-W2WjZa9TapEOtjdU1Vyv8fu03IPP7K$>.
Please feel free to share the information from this page with your administration as well as colleagues from your buildings, facilities, and maintenance staff. The costs associated with preparation are far lower than those associated with disaster recovery!
Two New NEH Grants: Climate Change & Community Resilience
* NEH Division of Preservation Access: Cultural and Community Resilience Grant: https://www.neh.gov/program/cultural-and-community-resilience
o Due: January 12, 2023 (Optional draft due: December 1, 2022)
o Maximum funding: $150,000
o Funding for: Digital Surrogate Collections; Oral History Collections; Physical Archival Collections; Plans for Community Documentation, etc.
* NEH Office of Challenge Programs: Climate Smart Humanities Organizations: Climate Smart Humanities Organizations | The National Endowment for the Humanities (neh.gov)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/state.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67cc812b37ecb523c1d910811&id=5af9ed1ffd&e=c4b8ab68f5__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!jPSRlkDmeZec7dZK5doeSotn9kY9iQmRigv1Es0QaWuyXAH0kOuzHQ66DSHqa-W2WjZa9TapEOtjdU1Vyv8fu4zHb78h$>
o Due: January 17, 2023 (Optional draft due: November 29, 2022)
o Maximum funding: $300,000
o Funding for: Climate action and adaptation planning document, etc.
Reminder - Create a listing in MEMA's Cultural Facilities Survey & Map
All cultural heritage institutions (broadly defined) in the Commonwealth are invited to create a listing on the following "Cultural Heritage Facilities Survey": https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/ec969cc149a14bcb90569a8f638bbcb1
* The form asks about the location, age, and risk profile of your physical facilities. If you have multiple branches, properties, or collections facilities, each location should be entered separately.
* Who should fill this out?
o Municipal institutions responsible for historic, artistic, and other cultural resoures such as libraries, historical commission collections, town archives
o Public and private historical societies with properties and/or collections
o Public and private museums
o Cultural institutions with "living collections" such as zoos, aquariums, arboretums
o Arts organizations
* The information you provide is 100% maintained and managed by MEMA.
* View the Map: Cultural Heritage Facilities Map (arcgis.com)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/state.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=67cc812b37ecb523c1d910811&id=9accc311c9&e=c4b8ab68f5__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!jPSRlkDmeZec7dZK5doeSotn9kY9iQmRigv1Es0QaWuyXAH0kOuzHQ66DSHqa-W2WjZa9TapEOtjdU1Vyv8fuwRouQyH$>
Jennifer B. Doherty
Local Government Programs Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3314
Office: (617) 727-8470
Remote: (617) 807-0685
Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>
Sign up for the MassHistPres email listserv<https://mailman.cs.umb.edu/listinfo/masshistpres> | Register for virtual workshops<https://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcotr/otridx.htm>
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