[MassHistPres] Grant Announcement: National Trust for Historic Preservation's African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund

Doherty, Jennifer (SEC) jennifer.doherty2 at state.ma.us
Tue Nov 22 07:27:03 EST 2022

This grant announcement is from the National Trust for Historic Preservation. These grants are not affiliated with or offered by the Massachusetts Historical Commission. Please contact the National Trust directly if you have questions or wish to apply.

2023 National Grants Now Available!

African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund
Today, the National Trust’s African American Cultural Heritage Action Fund<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us.engagingnetworks.app/page/email/click/10028/1504688?email=IGyfxL4*2FSOfuRAcvK1NL4Y1TuugtfTywghcsyYWCEtOZkArzVWMSmA==&campid=vcocg*2B4F*2FECZkArzVWMSmA==__;JSUl!!CUhgQOZqV7M!lWkAqDYfu0-PSaHCp_eyhQdFWBnQgOP8a6NTzCzClDoxGRw227e8qIcmlbZ9LalN97Rpll9RXooqbO2DEZ_CBSBwVbkcq3Ay$> opened the Letter of Intent (LOI) period for its 2023 National Grant Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us.engagingnetworks.app/page/email/click/10028/1504689?email=IGyfxL4*2FSOfuRAcvK1NL4Y1TuugtfTywghcsyYWCEtOZkArzVWMSmA==&campid=vcocg*2B4F*2FECZkArzVWMSmA==__;JSUl!!CUhgQOZqV7M!lWkAqDYfu0-PSaHCp_eyhQdFWBnQgOP8a6NTzCzClDoxGRw227e8qIcmlbZ9LalN97Rpll9RXooqbO2DEZ_CBSBwVYfkI9VH$>. Grants provide a range of funding from $50,000 to $150,000 for ongoing preservation activities for historic places like sites, museums and landscapes that represent African American cultural heritage. Learn more about the 2022 grantees<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us.engagingnetworks.app/page/email/click/10028/1504690?email=IGyfxL4*2FSOfuRAcvK1NL4Y1TuugtfTywghcsyYWCEtOZkArzVWMSmA==&campid=vcocg*2B4F*2FECZkArzVWMSmA==__;JSUl!!CUhgQOZqV7M!lWkAqDYfu0-PSaHCp_eyhQdFWBnQgOP8a6NTzCzClDoxGRw227e8qIcmlbZ9LalN97Rpll9RXooqbO2DEZ_CBSBwVSvE--aO$>.

Through its National Grant Program, the Action Fund supports projects focused on African American cultural heritage, including capital projects, organizational capacity-building, project planning, and programming and interpretation. There are new priorities for this grant round.

2023 Grant Priorities for the National Grant Program

  *   Applicants will submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) for most historic sites and preservation projects.
  *   Applicants will submit a full grant application from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) applying for campus-wide or individual-building preservation plans.
  *   Applicants will submit an LOI for historic places designed by 20th-century Black architects in the Modern architecture style.

The LOIs must be submitted by Monday, December 19, 2022, at 11:59 p.m. local time. If the LOI is accepted, a full application will be requested of the applicant.

The HBCU full applications are due on Monday, January 23, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. local time.

Grant awards will be announced in June 2023.

Jennifer B. Doherty
Local Government Programs Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3314
Office: (617) 727-8470
Remote: (617) 807-0685
Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>

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