[MassHistPres] donations, gifts; acquisitions and deaccession of historical materials

STEPHEN NOWAK nowak4044 at comcast.net
Sat Oct 1 10:51:53 EDT 2022

The Palmer Historical Commission is in the process of establishing policies and guidelines for acquiring and the deselection of historical materials from donations, gifts; purchase and existing inventory.
Does any other commission have  similar policies or guidelines that they would share? Of special interest would be a quitclaim receipt, signed by the donor, relinquishing all future interest or control of items donated or purchased.
Also any de-acquisition , disposal, or the right of refusal of items language would be helpful.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Stephen Nowak
Palmer Historical Commission, Chair
nowak4044 at comcast.net mailto:nowak4044 at comcast.net
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