[MassHistPres] donations, gifts; acquisitions and deaccession of historical materials

J FORREST forrestj100 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 2 21:59:32 EDT 2022

 Good Day, 
This is the form we created by reviewing documents from museums, etc.  It clearly states that granting of the gift is unconditional and gives outright ownership to the NHC.  We use this when folks give us donations, like old books, etc.
I hope this is useful.Sincerely, Janice Forrest, Secretary/Clerk  NEWBURY HISTORICAL COMMISSION
12 Kent Way
Byfield, MA 01922
historicalcomm at townofnewbury.org 

    On Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 11:38:48 AM EDT, Stuart D Brorson <brorson at theworld.com> wrote:  

The Arlington Historical Society has a policy document outlining
accessing and deaccessioning collectable items including gifts.  They
also use a quitclaim which the donor must sign before giving items to
the society.  I believe many or most historical societies have such
paperwork.  I don't know if such paperwork is common with historical
commissions since they (usually) have a different mission.

I will forward your query to our society's director and ask her to
reach out to you.

Best regards,
Stuart Brorson
Arlington, MA

On Saturday 2022-10-01 10:51, STEPHEN NOWAK wrote:

>     The Palmer Historical Commission is in the process of establishing policies and guidelines for acquiring and the
>deselection of historical materials from donations, gifts; purchase and existing inventory.
>     Does any other commission have  similar policies or guidelines that they would share? Of special interest would be a
>quitclaim receipt, signed by the donor, relinquishing all future interest or control of items donated or purchased.
>     Also any de-acquisition , disposal, or the right of refusal of items language would be helpful.
>                Thank you in advance for any assistance.
>                 Stephen Nowak
>                 Palmer Historical Commission, Chair
>                 nowak4044 at comcast.net
>                 413-283-9889
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