[MassHistPres] Demo by neglect of town owned building in a NRD

Courtney Meyer courtney.opalka at gmail.com
Wed Mar 8 12:18:58 EST 2023

Hi Janice,

Here in Hadley we are trying to save an 1894 Italianate structure called
the Russell School. The Select Board has been saying for over a decade, "We
need to know what the residents want to do with the building" but the
residents were never asked as a whole. Our committee, who the Select Board
advised to be created, was tasked with the role of creating a resident
survey to collect this information. About 2/3 of the community was in
agreement to save and/or rehab the building. I think the Select Board was
hoping the survey would come back to demolish it, but that was not the
case. So now we are researching funding opportunities, including CPA,
interviewing town departments and school departments to determine what
space they are short on and how the Russell School could fill those needs.

Since residents are paying taxes on the town-owned building, the residents
should also have a say in the matter.

Good luck!


On Wed, Mar 8, 2023 at 11:52 AM forrestj100 via MassHistPres <
masshistpres at cs.umb.edu> wrote:

> Good day,
> It appears I neglected to add the Town is going to build a new 3 story
> building on the sight!
> Sorry for the omission
> Janice
> Newbury Historical Commission
> Sent from my Galaxy Tab A
> -------- Original message --------
> From: J FORREST via MassHistPres <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
> Date: 3/8/23 9:26 AM (GMT-05:00)
> To: MHC MHC Listserve <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu>
> Subject: [MassHistPres] Demo by neglect of town owned building in a NRD
> Good Day,
> I am asking if anyone has had experience in trying to save a town owned
> building, that is being neglected so it can be torn down.  We have a DDB
> and the building is part of our only NRD.  I realize that the NRD doesn't
> prevent this.  I looking for a path to fight this, if possible.
> Thanks, Janice
> Janice Forrest, Secretary/Clerk
> 12 Kent Way
> Byfield, MA 01922
> historicalcomm at townofnewbury.org
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