[MassHistPres] Job Opportunity - Preservation Planner & Preservation Intern positions

Erin Doherty erinrdoherty at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 14:47:53 EDT 2023

Epsilon Associates is seeking a full-time Preservation
Planner/Architectural Historian to work with our expanding historic
preservation group.  Key responsibilities include preparation of documents
and reports for submission to local, state, and federal government review
agencies; including National Register eligibility evaluations and
nominations, Project Notification Forms, historic property surveys, design
review applications, archival photographic documentation, and state and
federal historic rehabilitation tax credit applications.

Epsilon is also seeking a Preservation Intern to work with our historic
preservation group. The internship is a paid position and shall run through
summer 2023, approximately from late May through mid-August with specific
start and end dates to be determined in consultation with the candidate.

For additional information, please see:

Thank you,

*Erin R. Doherty* |  Preservation Planner

*Epsilon Associates, Inc.*

3 Mill & Main Place, Suite 250

Maynard, Massachusetts 01754

978.897.7100  |  978.461.6279 (direct)

edoherty at epsilonassociates.com   |  www.epsilonassociates.com
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