[MassHistPres] Perpetual historic preservation gl 184:31-33. Town seems clueless though voted at town meeting.

Steinitz, Michael @ SEC Michael.Steinitz at sec.state.ma.us
Fri Nov 17 11:25:45 EST 2023

Hi Sally,

The preservation restrictions should be finalized before the town sells the property, and  required to be recorded immediately following the sale at closing, before any redevelopment proceeds, so that the developer's rehabilitation plans for the exterior of the building will be subject to prior review and approval by the town.



Michael Steinitz
Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer
Director, Preservation Planning Division
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Blvd
Boston MA 02125
617-727-5128 (fax)
michael.steinitz at sec.state.ma.us

**As of 8.1.23 emails to michael.steinitz at state.ma.us will no longer be delivered.  Please check your contact list.**

-----Original Message-----
From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> On Behalf Of sally milne via MassHistPres
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2023 10:34 AM
To: MHC MHC Listserve <MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu>
Subject: [MassHistPres] Perpetual historic preservation gl 184:31-33. Town seems clueless though voted at town meeting.

   I’m seeking your experience . Our town entered into a complex purchase and sale with  a development company to use the Historic West Harwich Baptist Church for housing.

The church is within Captains’ Row a developing National Register district and a District of Critical Planning concern.  It is listed on MACRIS .

To be able to do this project a town created  article was on town meeting warrant. An Amendment was made  to that article and passed that a  perpetual Historic preservation restriction be placed on the church that would meet gl.184;31-33

However what might you advise me as the town in its purchase and sale agreement  now has language that says:

"We   (the  development company) agree to enter into a mutually acceptable exterior historic preservation restriction upon the issuance of a certificate of occupancy."

I have concerns here and hope to hear any of your impressions or similar experiences as I try to make sure  the intent of the amendment is followed.

Thank you
Sally Urbano
West Harwich
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