[MassHistPres] New Alternative Materials

Ralph Slate slater at alum.rpi.edu
Thu Oct 26 09:54:48 EDT 2023

Hi Chris --

One thing that I am seeing a lot of are ductless split AC/heat units. These are not being applied for, they are just appearing on houses. The SHC has no formal guidelines for these, so their appearance depends on the judgment of the installer, with some spectacularly poor results.

Here are a few that I've documented:


The volume of these will definitely increase since the state is advocating for them (and the technology *is* good). However there are ways these can be done in a more sensitive manner.

Ralph Slate
Springfield MA

On Wed, 25 Oct, 2023 at 4:02 PM, Chris Skelly via MassHistPres <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu> wrote:

To: mhc mhc listserve

Hello all, I'd like to hear what new alternative materials are on the market and are showing up in your local historic district applications.  Anything you had never heard of two or three years ago?  What do you wish you had in your design guidelines right now to address new alternative materials?  Have you heard of any new alternative materials not yet on the market that we might see at some point in the near future?   

Chris Skelly

Skelly Preservation Services
Community Planning and Preservation

ccskelly12 at gmail.com<mailto:ccskelly12 at gmail.com>
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