[MassHistPres] Updates from the Massachusetts Historical Commission
Doherty, Jennifer @ SEC
Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us
Wed Aug 14 07:56:14 EDT 2024
Updates from the Massachusetts Historical Commission
Draft Massachusetts State Historic Preservation Plan, 2023-2031 Now Available for Public Comment
Over the past two years, the Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) has been working on an update to the Massachusetts State Historic Preservation Plan 2018-2022. A draft of the new plan is now available for public comment on the MHC's website, here<https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/mhc/download/2023-2031-state%20hist-pres-plan-comment.pdf> (PDF). You can learn more about the state plan process here<https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/mhc/preservation/historic-preservation-plan.htm>.
The draft plan is available for public comment through September 30, 2024. Please provide any written comments to Jennifer Doherty, Local Government Programs Coordinator, via email at Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>.
While the state plan is prepared by the MHC, it is not a work plan for the MHC. Instead, it is a plan for all preservationists in the Commonwealth. We want to receive as much input as possible, to be sure that the new state plan can help anyone find a role for themselves in historic preservation efforts across the Commonwealth. Please feel free to share the draft plan with others in your community who might be interested in providing input, such as historical or historic district commissioners, appointed and elected officials, municipal staff, and locally-active preservationists.
Have any successful (or unsuccessful!) projects from 2018 to 2022? Let us know! We are looking to summarize preservation efforts from 2018 to 2022. Send any projects or photographs to Jennifer Doherty, Local Government Programs Coordinator, via email at Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>.
Fall 2024 MHC Virtual Workshop Schedule
The MHC will host four virtual workshops this fall. See below for descriptions, and register on the MHC's website<https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/mhc/programs/workshops.htm>.
MHC's Survey & Planning Grant Program, Monday, September 9, 1 pm
The MHC's Survey & Planning Grant program offers matching grants for communities and non-profits to undertake historic preservation documentation and planning projects. Most frequent are historic resources survey projects, but other projects include community-wide historic preservation plans, survey plans, design guidelines, and National Register of Historic Places nominations. Learn more about the program and what goes in to a successful application.
The Basics of Online Research for Historic Buildings, Friday, October 18, 10 am
The Internet provides a wide variety of resources to consult when researching an historic building. Learn more about the various sources and how to pull them together to develop a history of buildings in your community.
Determining Historic and Architectural Significance, Tuesday, November 19, 10 am
One of the most basic actions of local historic preservation work is determining what historic resources in a community are significant for their history or architecture. This process is written into many regulations and programs, from local demolition delay review up to the National Register of Historic Places. This workshop will review how to determine historic and architectural significance for historic resources, which can support the prioritization of local preservationists' efforts and their regulatory work.
Best Practices for Developing a Strong Local Preservation Program, Monday, December 9, 1 pm
There are many tools in the local preservationist's toolbox that can be used to develop a local preservation program. A robust local commission, preservation planning, and regulatory tools are all important to have. In this workshop we'll review how all of these pieces work together and how local commissions can develop a strong, proactive local preservation program.
Massachusetts 250 Grants Now Available
The Healey-Driscoll Administration and the Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT) are pleased to announce a new competitive grant program to support the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. The Massachusetts 250 Grant Program will fund projects that highlight historic themes of revolution and independence, celebrate significant "firsts" in Massachusetts history, or take a creative or innovative approach to commemorating the state's past 250 years.
Applications must be submitted through MOTT's Online Application Portal<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/mott.submittable.com/submit/2a1ca59c-2439-497b-b58d-2218f84c5833/fy25-massachusetts-250-grant__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!HCNA17IFpCI64jFTqFHr2_kkZJC2uKzVOxEqbqYztiFQOGnZbK0ULE24lSe5taFSRc4TZ_9nBFR_GK702Szsx-QMmMZE_kU$>. Applications are due by August 26th at 3p.m. and grant awards are anticipated to be announced in September 2024.
MA 250 guidelines and information are available on MOTT's website<https://www.visitma.com/>.
Updates from the National Park Service
* NPS has just added a new Preservation Brief 51, Preservation Brief 51, Building Codes for Historic and Existing Buildings: Planning and Maximizing their Application<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nps.gov/orgs/1739/upload/preservation-brief-51-building-codes.pdf__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!EeufdBIn1xgt9NzokV_eiaI27omRSe5-mHHpzVS7klaSpHgA8tnL4gOBfyx07BlGY2nxbdENbIZd4Pzk_mfOJjvu_iR5mNK_tkLxqg$>, the latest addition to the Preservation Briefs<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.nps.gov/orgs/1739/preservation-briefs.htm__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!EeufdBIn1xgt9NzokV_eiaI27omRSe5-mHHpzVS7klaSpHgA8tnL4gOBfyx07BlGY2nxbdENbIZd4Pzk_mfOJjvu_iR5mNK1qqnZGw$> publication series. The Brief provides information on how to meet the goals of building codes while also preserving or minimizing alterations to the character-defining features, spaces, materials, and finishes of historic buildings. It presents an overview of the most widely adopted codes in the United States and their development and describes the specific provisions for historic buildings contained in these codes. It provides guidance for selecting the optimal code compliance method and suggests best practices for achieving code-compliant solutions that also allow for the preservation of a building's historic character. While the Brief is primarily intended to apply to historic buildings, much of the information also applies to the rehabilitation of existing buildings.
* NPS has announced the availability of two grant programs. Read their application and project guidelines carefully to see if your project qualifies.
o To encourage the listing of more diverse sites in the National Register of Historic Places, Underrepresented Communities Grants<https://www.nps.gov/subjects/historicpreservationfund/underrepresented-community-grants.htm> are now available. These must result in a new or amended National Register of Historic Places listing or National Historic Landmark designation. Properties must have previously been found eligible by the MHC for listing in the National Register or for a proposed amendment associated with an underrepresented community before a new or amended nomination can proceed. Applications are due August 29, 2024.
o African American Civil Rights Grants<https://www.nps.gov/subjects/historicpreservationfund/african-american-civil-rights.htm> are available for physical preservation work and history projects at sites related to the struggle for equal rights for African Americans. Applications are due September 5, 2024.
Upcoming Events
* Preservation in a Changing Climate<https://www.preservingsalem.com/preservation-in-a-changing-climate-2024>, September 18, Salem, MA
* Massachusetts Historic Preservation Conference 2024<https://www.preservationmass.org/mhpc>, September 27, Worcester, MA early bird registration ends Friday!
* Not If But When: Navigating Climate Change and Protecting Cultural Assets in Massachusetts<https://mblc.state.ma.us/costepma/index.php/2024/06/13/free-webinar-10-3-2024-not-if-but-when-navigating-climate-change-and-protecting-cultural-assets-in-ma/>, October 3, virtual
* U.S. Climate Heritage Policy in the International Context<https://www.achp.gov/initiatives/sustainability-climate-resilience/climate-heritage-conference>, October 4, virtual
* Historic New England Summit 2024<https://summit.historicnewengland.org/>, November 14 and 15, Portland, ME and virtual
Recent National Register of Historic Places Listings
* Holyoke, Central Churchill Historic District
* Lancaster, North Burial Ground
* Wellfleet, Marcel Breuer House and Studio
Join the Preservation Conversation!
The MassHistPres listserv is an email group of over 700 members - local historical and historic district commission members, municipal staff, consultants, tradespeople, and others interested in historic preservation across the Commonwealth. It's a great place to ask questions of and learn from fellow preservationists. To join, send an email to MassHistPres-Join at cs.umb.edu<mailto:MassHistPres-Join at cs.umb.edu>, or contact Jennifer Doherty at Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>.
Update the MHC!
Membership or officer changes on your commission? Be sure to send in updates to Jennifer Doherty at Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>.
Jennifer B. Doherty
Local Government Programs Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3314
Office: (617) 727-8470
Remote: (617) 807-0685
Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>
Register for virtual workshops<https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/mhc/programs/workshops.htm>
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