[MassHistPres] You Are Invited! MA Deconstruction Workgroup January 17th

Doherty, Jennifer @ SEC Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us
Thu Jan 4 10:40:29 EST 2024

Posting on behalf of MassDEP
Pathway to Enable More Building Material Reuse and Deconstruction in MA
MassDEP invites you to attend our next Deconstruction Workgroup meeting:
(*a sub-working group of MassDEP's Reduce & Reuse Working Group<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.mass.gov/service-details/massdep-reduce-reuse-rr-working-group__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!Ej13kQ69iZlw6G5bOHryhmfLyXzEfdLgQHSyK410NHIQaRoSPgaDJbQCmjgWmgSQqmrUF-3-lYo49KK9TOZR0aJ5fcyL9YFULsca$>).

Wednesday, January 17, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Deconstruction Workgroup Virtual Meeting
All are welcome!
Click here to join us!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYof-ChrD0oE9bQt4yoMNZQjZNRdEjXjw9L__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!Ej13kQ69iZlw6G5bOHryhmfLyXzEfdLgQHSyK410NHIQaRoSPgaDJbQCmjgWmgSQqmrUF-3-lYo49KK9TOZR0aJ5fcyL9Z-cuP6O$>
On January 17th, we will review key learnings from our previous meetings, provide a summary of essential elements included in deconstruction and reuse ordinances implemented in other cities/states, and hear what steps are being taken in two Massachusetts municipalities to enable deconstruction and reuse.  We will then ask meeting participants to offer feedback on what tools/support would help move the needle in their sector (architects/engineers/designers, deconstruction and demolition, policy, reuse, historic preservation, workforce development, etc.).   We will end with a snapshot of what we have planned for this spring/summer to enable regional efforts across the state.
Our speakers include:

?  Abbey Massaro, RecyclingWorksMA and Center for EcoTechnology

?  Randy Scott, Select Demo Services and Hancock Academy

?  Susan Cascino, City of Boston

?  Michael Orbank, STO Building Group, Carbon Leadership Forum Boston
Come with your questions and an open mind. Let's harness our strengths to enable reuse of existing buildings along with development of a vibrant, local, reuse economy for building materials.
Who should attend: Municipal officials, advocacy groups, historic preservationists, architects/engineers/construction professionals, deconstruction and demolition businesses, waste haulers, building materials and reuse organizations, solid waste and recycling professionals.
Please share this invitation with all who may be interested.
REGISTER HERE<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYof-ChrD0oE9bQt4yoMNZQjZNRdEjXjw9L__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!Ej13kQ69iZlw6G5bOHryhmfLyXzEfdLgQHSyK410NHIQaRoSPgaDJbQCmjgWmgSQqmrUF-3-lYo49KK9TOZR0aJ5fcyL9Z-cuP6O$>
Recordings and presentations from previous meetings are posted on MassDEP's website at this link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.mass.gov/lists/reduce-reuse-rr-working-group-deconstruction-workgroup-archive__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!Ej13kQ69iZlw6G5bOHryhmfLyXzEfdLgQHSyK410NHIQaRoSPgaDJbQCmjgWmgSQqmrUF-3-lYo49KK9TOZR0aJ5fcyL9ap-u-XO$>.
We look forward to seeing you on January 17th!

I'm passing along information about an upcoming (FREE) webinar on January 9th from NERC (Northeast Recycling Council) on integrating Reuse in Climate Action Plans.
Material Reuse Forum 5
Reuse in Climate Action Plans
Tuesday January 9th, 2024, 1:00 - 3:00 PM EST  | Register<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/nerc.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b948eaf27d2b1e76447e6c802&id=64a6b9098b&e=a024bae818__;!!CPANwP4y!SXiyt7mRqn_WdmXJIuEyDrrz8T6iLA2tAi8EwJ7gmv1L3AbgkqL--0fXQvBcjU9ZLbEf9oDyAr9OQIygV-gEEZDsvVCxCss$>
Explore the growing trend of integrating reuse practices into climate action plans during our forum "Reuse in Climate Action Plans." Governments are increasingly recognizing the environmental benefits of reusing durable goods, spanning construction materials, consumer items, household goods, electronics, books, textiles, and fixtures. Join us for insightful discussions featuring four expert speakers who will share their perspectives on how reuse can play a pivotal role in sustainable climate action plans.

Kathi Mirza
Branch Chief
Municipal Waste Reduction Programs
kathi.mirza at mass.gov<mailto:kathi.mirza at mass.gov>

Jennifer B. Doherty
Local Government Programs Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3314
Office: (617) 727-8470
Remote: (617) 807-0685
Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>

Register for virtual workshops<https://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcotr/otridx.htm>

As of August 1, 2023, emails to Jennifer.Doherty at state.ma.us will no longer be delivered. Please update your contact information.

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