[MassHistPres] electric meters in historic districts

Sullivan, Charles M. csullivan at cambridgema.gov
Thu May 9 13:13:12 EDT 2024


The codes are always changing, but up to this point I think exterior meters are a utility company preference and not a requirement.

Shutoff panels for solar installations are another story. They do have very specific placement requirements, even if the solar panel itself is out of sight. We've hidden a couple of these on side elevations behind fences, but shrubbery may be a better option.

Historic district commissions have the option of requiring applications for each individual installation. When faced with that prospect, Eversource, our gas and electricity utility, has generally agreed to minimize intrusive meter placements in our historic district. During a recent district-wide gas service renewal project we agreed to wholesale installation of publicly-visible risers and pressure regulators and Eversource agreed to maintain interior meters. (Pressure regulators are flat round disks about 8" in diameter that prevent a pressure blow-out like the one in Lawrence a few years ago.) Electricity meters are read remotely now, so we have had only a few instances involving them.

It's really useful to develop relationships with utility company personnel, whether in the regional headquarters or in the field. We've negotiated some successful installations with a utility crew standing by. By all means exert your authority if necessary, but be flexible and constructive whenever you can.

Charles Sullivan
Charles Sullivan, Executive Director
Cambridge Historical Commission
831 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, Mass.  02139
617 349-4684

From: MassHistPres <masshistpres-bounces at cs.umb.edu> On Behalf Of Patricia Kelleher via MassHistPres
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2024 9:39 AM
To: MassHistPres at cs.umb.edu
Subject: [MassHistPres] electric meters in historic districts

Good morning,

The Salem Historical Commission is experiencing an increasing number of requests for electric meter replacements due to MA code changes that require an exterior emergency disconnect, resulting in a very large exterior meter box. In some instances, the code change is resulting in requests to relocate previously interior meters to the building exterior. I was wondering how other historic district commissions are reviewing these requests.

Thank you,


Patti Kelleher
Preservation Planner
City of Salem | Department of Planning & Community Development
98 Washington St., 2nd Floor | Salem, MA  01970
978-619-5685 | pkelleher at salem.com<mailto:pkelleher at salem.com>
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*Staff liaison to the Salem Historical Commission & Salem Community Preservation Committee

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