[MassHistPres] Demolition Delay Fee Structure

Jack LeMenager jlemen11 at icloud.com
Tue Jan 14 17:41:11 EST 2025

Sara — Under its Demolition Delay bylaw, the town of Winchester reviews all properties on the National Register of Historic Places, the state inventory, and all properties built before 1941. Our contracted architectural historian charges u $500 per Form B, which we use in our public hearings to assess the historical significance of the property in question. 

We used to have a line item in the town budget to cover that cost (i.e., it was paid for by the taxpayers). We felt that it was inappropriate for the taxpayers to foot the bill for the benefits of developers. So, beginning in 2018, the Select Board directed the Building Department to collect a $150 application fee on all demolition applications, not just those covered in our Demo Delay bylaw. Those fees go into our revolving fund for the sole purpose of paying for these surveys.

The ratio of reviewable demolition applications to non-reviewable is about one to four or five, maybe less. So, we have accumulated sufficient funds to cover the costs of our surveys. That fee is charged for all demolition applications, including out-buildings and detached garages. After collecting the fee for six years, we now have a surplus of about $12,000. 

Since use of our revolving fund is restricted to covering the cost of surveys for demolition hearings, we are considering appealing for a rule change to Town Meeting to enable us to use it for other similar purposes, such as for MHC matching grants. 

Jack LeMenager
Chair, Winchester Historical Commission 

> On Jan 14, 2025, at 5:05 PM, Zarrelli, Sara via MassHistPres <masshistpres at cs.umb.edu> wrote:
> Afternoon all--
> I'm working on the revision of a Demolition Delay Bylaw, and we are considering adding a fee to cover the cost of having a preservationist or architectural historian assess a building with the level of detail of a MHC Form B that would provide the historical commission with an outside assessment and more detailed information on which to base a decision. I've heard from various people and conference presentations that getting a consultant to do a one-off assessment like this is in the $150-300 range. Does anyone here assess a fee as part of a demolition delay bylaw? Have thoughts on what the appropriate fee to assess might be? 
> Thanks in advance,
> Sara
> --
> Sara Zarrelli
> Holliston Historical Commission
> Local Project Coordinator--MHC Survey and Planning Grant
> 720-289-0392
> zarrellis at holliston.k12.ma.us <mailto:zarrellis at holliston.k12.ma.us>
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