CS 110: Introduction
to Computing with Java
Lab 10
the Lecture Slides for Lecture 27. Learn
how an Applet works.
lab should be a lot of fun! Develop and
run your own Java applet. The files
containing an HTML web page that invokes an Applet and an outline of the Java
source code for the applet are in this file: Lab10.zip. As always, unzip the Lab10 directory and
create a Dr Java project file in the directory.
Compile the project and run it by opening the HTML file with your
browser. It should say “Hello World!” in
the upper left corner.
some calls to Graphics class methods in the screen object to decorate your
Applet display. Try some geometric
shapes and with different colors.
Demonstrate your finished Applet to the TA before the end of the lab
session to get credit for completing this lab.
Because this is the last week of the course, there is no lab report to
submit next week.
luck to you and I may see you in later CS courses as you continue your
education here.