The two files need to be placed in an hw02 directory, inside your
hw directory, inside your it244 directory.
From your home directory go to your it244 directory:
cd it244
Create an hw directory:
mkdir hw
Enter this new directory:
cd hw
Create an hw02 directory:
mkdir hw02
Enter this new directory:
cd hw02
Make sure you are in this directory when you run script.
The redsox.txt file
I want to give you some experience using nano or a Unix text editor of your choice
to create a structured document.
To do this I am going to ask you to create a text file with the results of some Red Sox games from the early part of this season.
Create text file redsox.txt in the hw02 directory you created above.
Go to your hw02 directory inside your hw directory,
inside your it244 directory.
Make sure you are in this directory:
Now run
nano redsox.txt
Go to the
Red Sox schedule for July and enter the results of the first 5 games in the following format:
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Red Sox @ Cubs
L 1-11
20 points
The typescript file
Make sure you are in it244/hw/hw02 then run
script --flush
and perform the following actions.
It is best if you practice these operations first, before running script.
That way, your typescript file will be shorter and I'll have an easier time grading it.
If you do make a mistake in your script session, just try again.
60 points
- Use cd to go to your home directory
- Verify that you are in your home directory using pwd
- List the contents of your home directory using ls
- Create a long listing of all the files in you home directory
- Show all files in your home directory using ls -a
- Print to the terminal the contents of your .login file using cat
NOTE: If your .login file does not exist, then you will see an error message. This is okay, as long as I can see you attempted to do what this step asked of you.
- Print to the terminal the contents of your .forward file using cat
- Use cd to go to your hw02 directory
- Verify that you are in your hw02 directory using pwd
- List the contents of your hw02 directory using ls
- Show all the files in your hw02 directory, including the "invisible" ones
- Exit the script session
Make sure the typescript file is in the hw02 directory.