Steps for Script
On a single line, create the following variables with the values given.
- Variable a with the value 5
- Variable b with the value 3
On another single command line, create the following variables with the values given.
- Variable s1 with the value "foo"
- Variable s2 with the value "foo"
- Variable s3 with the value "bar"
Print all variables and their values to the terminal.
Write a test expression that returns a value indicating true or false
when testing whether a is equal to b.
Echo the results of this test to the terminal.
Write a test expression that returns a value indicating true or false when testing whether a
is less than b. Echo the results of this test to the terminal.
Write a test expression that returns a value indicating true or false when testing whether a plus
b is greater than 9. Echo the results of this test to the terminal.
Write a test expression that returns a value indicating true or false when testing whether s1
is equal to s2. Echo the results of this test to the terminal.
Write a test expression that returns a value indicating true or false when testing whether s1
is not equal to s3. Echo the results of this test to the terminal.
Write a test expression that returns a value indicating true or false when testing whether s1
has a length greater than 0. Echo the results of this test to the terminal.
Do the following
- Copy the directory dir1 from ~ckelly/course_files/it244_files
- Copy the file empty.txt from ~ckelly/course_files/it244_files
- Run a single command to show the permissions on the contents of your hw10 directory
Write a test expression that returns a value indicating true or false when testing whether dir1
is a directory. Echo the results of this test to the terminal.
Write one test expression that returns a value indicating true or false when testing whether
empty.txt is readable and is writeable. Echo the results of this test to the terminal.